(Not exacly self harm)

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It was the night after the full moon. Sleep hadn't come to you that night because of all the worry you held and now it seems that the exact same thing was going to happen tonight.

Remus hadn't been in school all day, which was what usually happened but today was different. None of the Marauders were in classes or dining at the great hall. You couldn't even eat you felt so sick.

Remus was your everything and these days of the month killed you every time. For everyone to be missing from Hogwarts, you knew it had to be a really bad change. What if he was extremely hurt?

Here you were sitting in his bed, clutching to his favorite sweater, while he's sitting somewhere in pain, possibly regretting the fact that he even lives because he believes he's a monster.

The single thought brought tears to your eyes and before you could even try to stop them, sobs began to wrack your body. The room suddenly became too hot, the clothing on your body making you feel like you're suffocating. Your shaky hands tried to hastily rip your clothes off while salty tears dropped onto your chapped lips as they fell from your eyes. You needed him, you needed him to hold you. You needed to know he was okay.

Breathing became difficult as you tried to untangle yourself from the messy sheets that smelled so much like him. A strangled sob escaped your lips, causing your ears to not catch the sound of the dormitory door opening and closing.

"Baby, listen to me. You need to calm down or else you're going to hurt yourself. Shh, breathe with me love." The soft voice soothed you as you felt warm hand wrap around you, pulling you close.

You tried to speak but the only thing that could come out were more sobs. This time is was different though, they were sons of relief. Your fingers clung onto his shirt front, pulling it tight and making him hiss as it rubs against his fresh wounds, resulting more tears to escape your now puffy eyes as you released his shirt.

That's how the both of you say for hours. You carefully leaning into his touch as he rubbed soothing circles into the small of your back. The tears stopped eventually even though it felt like they never would.

"I'm just so scared Remus. I know you say you're okay now, but what if you come back after a change and you're not okay?" Your voice was hoarse as you spoke, a result of crying endlessly.

"I know you're scared sweetheart and I'm so sorry but you can't come along." His words were sweet and sincere but they still held a firm tone to them.

You were too tired to fight, so instead you both laid back together. Fingers intertwined and eyes heavy.

"Besides love, as long as I have you to come back to every time, I'll always be okay." You smiled into the darkness for what felt like the first time in an eternity.

Maybe everything would be okay after all.

Remus Lupin x reader,Self harmWhere stories live. Discover now