I promise

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Remus's POV

Me and y/n were lying on the couch in the gryffindor common room and it was late at night,so everyone else was asleep.

Y/n had fallen asleep ages ago so I went to look at her and notice how different she looks,she looks a lot less stressful,I wonder what she is stressed about?

Soon later I was about to go to sleep when y/n moved and her sleeves rolled up,I then remembered she always covers up her arms,I take a closer look and see the most heart breaking thing ever...
Cuts on her wrist,some where white and some looked pink,puffy and new.
I cried at the sight,why would she cut!


I woke up to quiet sobs and something wet falling on my head

I looked up to see Remus crying and looking at something,I follow his eye line and see my bare arm,I quickly roll up my jumper sleeve that had fallen down

Remus looked at me and asked",why?"
I replied saying how everyone pittys and nobody actually likes me he goes in to say",Everbody loves you,nobody pittys you,i even love you!Lilly doesn't potty you especially!"
"You love me?"i ask shocked
"Yes and I can't stand to see you like this now promise me you won't do this again!"
"I promise"
"Now let's get to business,will you be my first and hopefully last girlfriend?"
"YES"You reply and kiss him,it soon turned french(ohh la la)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2018 ⏰

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Remus Lupin x reader,Self harmWhere stories live. Discover now