chapter 3 -And any deduction?-

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I didn't have much time to get lost in my thoughts again, because D. I. Lestrade already started heading out of his office door, pulling his jacket from his chair, as he did. I went right after him. As the reception desk got in my sight again, I recognized a man standing next to Donovan, which just muttered: "(...), Phillip."
My eyes automatically scanned him quickly *up-down-up-down*.
"Donovan called him Phillip, his name tag says, Anderson. He's got grease on his top lip, probably peppermint oil. (forensic scientists use it to cover the smell of rather rotten bodies, they examine). Light hands in comparison to the rest of the body, so he is wearing gloves a lot, but his wedding ring is still quite dirty. The rest of him is neat and clean, which means he doesn't care about his marriage and has relationship problems. That explains why he is wearing the same deodorant as Donovan does and why he is looking at her this way..., " I thought. The thoughts ran through my head very fast and I made a simple deduction, in Anderson direction, " Phillip Anderson. You are forensic and are unhappily married, which is the reason why Sargent Donovan needs kneepads..."
And again, I made myself a friend... Donovan stared me down rather mad, while Anderson was looking quite confused. "And you are?" he asked after he caught himself again.
"Hmm... another one who is used to hearing things like that. It must have something to do with Sherlock Holmes..., " I thought
"Inspector (y|n) (y|l|n)" I responded, nodding at him, turning around on my heels, to face Lestrade again.
"Should we?, " I asked the D. I.
"We should, " he replied, spinning around walking through the front door. The two of us got into the police car, standing right in front of the station. Obviously, it was Lestrade's. Anderson and Donovan headed to the car behind us. "So they'll come too... great, " I thought sarcastically.
The D. I. pulled the car over on the street and a fifteen-minute ride began. I was looking out of my window and thought: five suicides, all committed the same way... The last time there was such a case they needed only four victims, to figure out that they all were killed by a cabby, who talked them into poisoning themselves. Well, actually Sherlock Holmes figured it out." Once again I asked myself why they didn't consult the Detective earlier. As incompetent as Anderson and Donovan seem to be, it wasn't much of a surprise to me that they didn't learn from the first time something like that happened...
I felt the car slowing down and looked to my right, only to see Lestrade getting out of the car already. I stood up too, opening my door, getting out to the D. I.
Not even six feet away from us, there was a man hanging out of the second floor.
"Quite uncommon, to hang yourself outside of the building," I muttered to myself. As I walked towards the crime scene, I was distracted by a rather short, gray-haired and a taller man with brown curls. They headed towards Lestrade, who walked beside me. I realized that the taller on must be the Consulting Detective because everything about the other man screamed military doctor: the way he holds himself, walking with firm steps and a straight back, the clean military like a haircut and the simple, convenient closing style. The doctor part was easy to figure by the way he looked at the corpse, which was hanging out of the second-floor window. The almost unnoticeable shaking of his hands told me that he was suffering from PTSD, which means he had been in active service.
While he was walking towards Lestrade at the Detectives side, who's eyes were looked to the D. I.
"The only question that is left is: which war: Afghanistan or Iraq?, " I mumbled to myself.
"Pardon?, " Lestrade, to my right, asked.
"Not a thing," I responded, as the doc. and the Detective reached us.
"Lestrade, " Sherlock nodded.
"Sherlock, " the Detective Inspector replied.
"Dr. Watson, " a nod in Watson's direction.
"Detective Inspector Lestrade," the doc noded.
Lestrade pointed at me, "This is Inspector (y|n) (y|l|n), she shifted to Scotland Yard to help us."
The doc glanced at me, reaching out his hand so I could shake it.
"My name is John Watson, " he said.
"(y|n) (y|l|n), " I answered taking his hand.
"Nice to meet you, Dr. Watson, I don't want to be impolite, but I have one question: Was it Afghanistan or Iraq?, " I asked, trying not to mess up again. Dr. Watson's eyes widened and Donovan, who just walked past us growled, " Here she goes... Freak number 2."
Lestrade just shook his head in resignation, as he heard her comment.
"Afghanistan..., but how did you know?" John Watson asked me.
"The way you move, hold yourself, dress, your hair is cut and you observed the corpse, just walking by, told me, " I smiled, as I recognized he was amazed and not annoyed or scared.
"Amazing, quite like you Sherlock, " he said turning to the Consulting Detective.
"But way more polite..., " he mumbled as he turned back to me.
The Detective, with the sharp cheekbones, looked at me, with an interesting sparkle in his blue eyes. "Interesting," he said more to himself, holding his hand out for me to shake it, just like his partner did before.
"Sherlock Holmes," he introduced himself, while I shook his hand.
"(y|n) (y|l|n), as you already know," I said smirking at him.
"And any deduction?, " Dr. Watson asked the Detective expectantly and a bit confused that his friend didn't already deduct me to the bone. Sherlock scanned me down, his eyes filled with confusion and resignation, but his face completely straight. When he looked up to my face again he said, "No...., not even one."
John looked shocked, "But... but the one and the only person you couldn't deduct straight away was quite... um...naked... It never happened to you again!"
I could see a tiny bit of embarrassment in his blue eyes. "Well, I hope I'm properly dressed, " I pointed out jokingly, which only caused Lestrade and Watson to stare at me in an unbelieving manner. "We should take a look at the crime scene, " I meant, to get out of the awkward situation. The Consulting Detective nodded and the two others agreed, while I already turned on my heels, to walk to the corpse. How very embarrassing...

*Please ignore every misplaced or missing comma, my great spelling skills and the fact that everything I write ends up being a grammatical horror...*
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