chapter 7 -thirteen-

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I reached out for the top of the box and so did the Consulting Detective. *bump* Our heads smashed together and I pulled back immediately. Lord, he was literally hard headed.
“Ouch,“ Sherlock muttered.
“Pardon,“ I replied.
“May I,“ he asked, pointing at the box.
“sure,“ I answered, rubbing my head.
He opened up the box, there were five different, clear, plastic bags in there. He took them and a pair of the textile gloves, which played in the box too, out and put the glover on. I took a pair for myself and one for John, which I handed him, and put them on too. I leaned forward, taking a look at the
bag. Taking one out opening it up.
“All the same ropes, in similar conditions and the carabiner had been cut off at each one. I guess with
a boxcutter. It almost looks like our killer is a constructive worker…,“ Sherlock observed.
“Yes,“ I agreed.
“The letters are all written in snappy handwriting and none of them included the victims saying
Goodbye…,“ I read through the letters, as a thought crossed my mind.
“Don't you write letters like that in self-help groups, the man, who hung himself today, joined one the others probably did so too, that's why they looked like they were recovering…,“ I thought out loud.
“Yes, that's good…, but we still don't know how and why he did it….,“ Sherlock responded nodding.
We examed the rest of the evidence and read through the protocols, but there wasn't much useful
stuff, only the fact that all of them had traumatizing experience and went to self-help groups, was of importance.
“We need to take a closer look at the self-help group, the man was in and find out where the others joined one,“ I said. I stood up, as the two men agreed.
“I'll head home now it got quite late and we can't do father observation today anyways. Whitehill we meat tomorrow?,“ I asked.
“Who said we would meet again…,“ the Detective started to say, but I glared at him warningly.
“At eight, at Scotland Yard,“ he meant.
“Alright then, have a good night,“ I responded.
“Will you drive home? “ John asked.
“No, I'll walk. I can't really feel my legs no more from sitting in three cabs today,“ I replied.
“But it's dark outside,“ John said.
“Which is why you have to head hme now too, home or you got to sleep on the sofa again,“ I answered, blinking at him.
“And as I have a gun with me and as I'm quite well trained in martial arts. I can handle a bit of darkness,“ I added, smirking.
“Is there something you can't do? “ John asked, not really being serious.
“There are many things,“ I responded gravely.
“Good night.“
“Same to you, “John meant.
The Detective didn't say anything, so I just turned towards the door and headed outside. But when I attempted to close the door I heard the detectives voice behind me.
“How many steps are there,“ he asked.
“Thirteen,“ I responded. He nodded in response and John looked confused when I finally closed the door.
I walked down the stairs, there were still thirteen. Well of course, where should they´ve gone… silly me.
When I stood on the street again. I took a look at my clock at 11:53 pm. Holy…
Since I didn't eat all day my tummy growled. Well, I should still have a protein bar left, in my kitchen cabinet...
I walked through the dark but from streetlights shiny streets. The snow was falling. I had my collar pulled up and my gloved hands in my pockets. My numb legs came back to life and I finally got my head clear again. I was exhausted but still calm and relax ofed, because of the cold rather fresh air and the fact that I finally moved again. After seventeen minutes I reached my flat at 11 A Weymouth Street. Seventeen steps up and I
was there. I unlocked the door, ripped my coat, my scarf and my gloves of and went right to my living room, to light fire in the fireplace. There was no heater in my house. So it was pretty cold until the heat of the fire spread through the flat. I went to the bathroom and washed my hands. Afterward, I headed back to the kitchen and got myself my bar. After I ate it; I brushed my teeth and decided that it would probably be for the best, to go to bed now. I was very tired it was a very interesting day of work. I changed into some fussy pj's and set an alarm for six o'clock. When I was done I cuddled in my bed and unlike usual I fell asleep right away.

When my alarm went off at six o'clock in the morning, I was wide awake right away, because of the excitement flowing through my whole body. I loved solving cases and this one was very interesting I went right to my closet, getting my running clothes out. You don't just need mental fitness, you also need physical fitness, If you want to be a good Inspector… I changed my cloth and went outside.
It was still dark. I ran for an hour and it was ten past seven when I reached my flat again. I walked up to the seventeen steps and unlocked my flat's door. I headed right for the kitchen and turned the coffee machine on. Then I went into the bathroom and took a warm shower. After a bit of hair drying, getting dressed and light makeup, I drank my coffee. It was twenty to eight when I went out of my flat down the stairs and onto the sidewalk. I waved for a cab.
“Wher are we driving to,“ the cabby, who pulled over, asked.
“To Scotland Yard, please,“ I responded friendly. At point eight We arrived. I paid the cabby and walked inside the of the police station.
“Good morning,“ a voice behind me said.

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