0.6 ;; only one

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yuta was currently in the dance studio with the other members of 127, sitting in the corner of the room, his grip tight on his water bottle, as he watches sicheng from afar sitting next to taeil, who was holding the younger boy's hand tightly.

he had to admit, he felt jealous, the past few days he's spent with sicheng, he thought were special and meant something, especially the fact that he knew this complete other side of sicheng, and how he was the only one who knew how beautiful sicheng looked in a skirt.

he let his eyes leave the pairs hands, looking up at the two boys faces. taeil was grinning at the boy while he talked excitedly to him. his eyes now met sichengs face, who was staring back at him with pleading eyes, looking completely bored of the conversation.

yuta smile slightly to himself, getting up and walking over to the two.

"i'm going to the toilet before we start practicing again, anyone else coming?" he asked, looking at the rest of the boys, breathing out in relief when taeil shook his head no, before sicheng jumped up and tore his hand away.

"yeah" he said, practically tackling the japanese boy, making him chuckle slightly.

"i'll come too" donghyuck also voiced, following the two out of the practice studio and into the bathrooms.

yuta actually did need to go to the toilet so he quickly did his business, sicheng waiting by the sinks for him. once donghyuck had gone back yuta stood opposite sicheng.

"you okay?" he asked, washing his hands.

"yeah, it's just, taeil's always wanting to be close with me and that's okay, i like hanging out with him, but he's so touchy now and getting jealous when i'm with anyone else, it's getting a bit annoying..." sicheng said, playing with his fingers.

"i think he likes you, do you like him?" yuta asked, clenching his fist slightly.

"not really.. not that way anyway" he trailed off, leaving yuta slightly taken aback, that was definitely not the answer he thought he'd get.

"do you even like guys in general?" he asked, pushing his luck.

"well yeah, i mean.." sicheng laughed quietly at the memory of him literally cuddling yuta while wearing a skirt, when he suddenly stops.

is he really this dumb? really this oblivious? he had been so busy trying to work out how he felt with taeil, had he ever paid attention to yuta? he thinks backs to all the times he caught yuta staring at him, how he felt to have the older boy's eyes on him, to the time he felt yuta hold him for the first time in the dance practice studio, the chills he got, and the butterflies he got whenever they were alone together.

wow. he really is blind. yuta opens his mouth to say something before the door opens suddenly.

"having a chat? we need to practice" taeil said, grabbing sichengs hand and practically dragging him out, not even giving him a chance to look back at yuta.

once it turned 9, the boys were told by their manager they could go back to their dorms, so sicheng took the opportunity to leave as fast as he could, basically sprinting back in hopes of avoiding yuta, which he thankfully succeeded in. not that he wanted to avoid him, he just needed to collect his thoughts properly without having yuta there to mix his thoughts up even more.

he lay in bed that night, listening to doyoung snore from the other side of the room. his eyes were still wide open as he stared at the dark ceiling of the room, processing what happened today.

he likes yuta right? he'd never been in a relationship, so he doesn't know what crushes feel like, is this it? whenever he thought of taeil, all he thought of was a good friend who was just little too touchy at times, but when he thought of yuta, he thinks of that big smile, the way his eyes crinkled at the corners, and how he felt safe in his arms.

he thought about how much he enjoyed laying with yuta, about the shiver he got down his spine when he hugged him and told him he was beautiful. then he thought about one last thing before falling asleep.

he thought about how much he'd been thinking of yuta, if that wasn't a sign of liking someone, he didn't know what was.

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