1.3 ;; lock

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it had been about a month since the dorms had changed, empathy had been released finally and so had chain, obviously they were all still busy with other upcoming comebacks but the only group promoting was dream, giving the older members some time to rest.

the 127 boys were currently in the practice room, with the exception of mark and donghyuck, going over the cherry bomb choreography for what felt like the billionth time.

"i'm getting sick of this song" sicheng groaned, laying down on the floor with his head on yuta's lap.

"you'll have to get used to it at some point, love" yuta replied with a chuckle, he had one hand running through sicheng's sweaty hair and one had holding his ice cold water bottle.

"it's been like a year though, never thought i'd say it but at this point i'd rather perform fire truck" he huffed, causing yuta to almost spit his water all over sicheng's head from laughter.

taeil was sat at opposite side of the room next to doyoung who was holding his hand with a smile, fiddling with the older boy's fingers.

although they had been dating for a month taeil still didn't feel any different about neither sicheng nor doyoung. he still felt anger seeing yuta smiling softly down at his sicheng, and he still felt nothing when doyoung kissed him. obviously he wouldn't say this, he didn't want to hurt anyone, but it was hard to room with someone who was obviously in love with you, while you watched the love of your life with someone else.

he hated thinking about it, what yuta would do to his precious sicheng. they were still sharing a room, who knows what yuta made sicheng do in there.

taeil was surprised the manager hadn't caught on yet, he knew they were a very affectionate group in general but the way yuta and sicheng acted was so obvious it was painful, he hated it.

taeyong finally called the end of practice and he saw the two stand up, yuta holding onto sicheng's sleeve as they both walked towards the dorms, and all he saw was red.

he was so sick of watching yuta take advantage of sicheng's purity and innocence and seeing him basically drag him to their room was the last straw.

"i miss kissing you" sicheng pouted looking up at the boy who was still running his hands through his hair.

"me too" yuta whispered, smiling softly at the boy before he heard taeyong say something about practice ending.

sicheng felt his face light up and he jumped up, walking towards the exit, hurrying yuta who was still sat on the floor.

yuta got up and smiled at sicheng's excitement, before gently grabbing the boy's sleeve and walking out of the room with a giggling sicheng behind him.

"you're so dumb" yuta laughed lovingly as he watched sicheng pull his sweatpants off, awkwardly stumbling around before pulling on his favourite skirt, the plaid one yuta bought for him.

he then managed to get out of his shirt and into a new white one, that was slightly cropped, in what felt like two seconds. suddenly he pulled yuta down onto his bed and climbing on top of him, connecting their lips.

"wait" yuta laughed against his lips, "we didn't lock the door" he said, but contradicting to his words, he wrapped his arms around sicheng's neck and deepening the kiss.

suddenly sicheng felt yuta flip them over and his soft lips moving down his neck before attaching to his collarbone.

"like anyone's going to come in" sicheng giggled as he pulled yuta's shirt over his head, and scraping his nails down the boy's back as his lips went back to their place on his collarbone.

"nope" sicheng said with a sly smile before flipping them over again and kissing down yuta's chest, leaving marks as he went with yuta's hands in his hair.

before yuta could even react the door burst open, causing sicheng to fall on the floor, pulling the blanket with him as he tried to cover the clothes on his body as he looked up at taeil with wide eyes.

"what the fuck" is all taeil said, before moving forward and punching yuta.

sicheng gasped, and felt a sound of shock, confusion and anger escape his throat as he jumped up, attempting to pull taeil away as tears immediately started streaming down his cheeks. he dropped the blanket, no longer caring about what anyone thought of him, and just wanting to make sure yuta was okay.

"taeil stop" sicheng screamed, grabbing onto his arm and pulling as hard as he can, but to no use, as taeil pushed him away, punching yuta once again.

"what did you make him do? you're fucking sick" taeil shouted, adding a third, and fourth punch, before taeyong came running in, and managed to pull him off and dragging him outside.

sicheng jumped up from the door, tears still streaming down his face as looked at yuta. his lip was bust and his nose was pouring blood, the bridge of his nose had already started bruise as did the left side of his jaw.

sicheng continued to sob as picked yuta's shirt up off the floor, using it dab away the blood on yuta's face.

"what the fuck just happened?" taeyong asked, coming in with a firm but gentle tone of voice.

sicheng explained the situation between him and yuta before telling taeyong about the looks taeil had been giving the two lately.

taeyong ran his hand through his dark hair, he was quite obviously extremely stressed.

"this cannot tear our team apart" he said, "you can do whatever you want in this room but please lock the door and act normal outside of here, if manager hyung found out about you two i don't know what will happen" he continued, before turning around and closing the door, leaving the two alone.

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