0.1 ;; stay

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"sicheng, you're not putting enough power into this part" taeyong said, once again, to the frustrated boy, showing the choreography for their new song, touch, once again.

"yeah i got it, hyung" sicheng said exasperatedly, no longer wanting to be in the dance studio. he brought his arm up, wiping the sweat from his forehead as he watched taeyong pushing his hands through his just as sweaty hair.

"okay, i guess we can just stop now then" taeyong said, locking eyes with sicheng in the mirror, as if telling him what to say.

"i'll stay a bit longer to practice" sicheng said quietly.

"are you sure?" his roommate doyoung asked, "you don't look too good, i think you need to rest"

"no it's okay, i'm supposed to be one of the main dancers, i need to get this right" sicheng said, waving goodbye to the boys trickling out of the door.

"i guess" doyoung mumbled, following behind his other members. sicheng went to turn the music on once again, and almost fell backwards when he saw yuta stood behind him.

"i thought you left" sicheng said holding his hand to his heart.

"i'll help you" yuta said, his famous smile spreading on his face. sicheng felt his cheeks getting hotter as he looked down at the floor.

"i don't need help" he muttered, feeling embarrassed. as one of the best dancers on the team he was always the one who stayed behind and helped the other members get the dance right, it was usually taeil, but nonetheless he had expectations and he was no longer meeting them.

"i know, just, let me stay okay? we can go over it together" yuta said, walking over to the speakers and pressing play. they both went through the dance twice before yuta walked to the small sink in the corner of the room, filling his water bottle up and watching sicheng.

he was mostly looking at the choreography and how sicheng was supposedly being too weak on the moves, but he used to opportunity to also appreciate sichengs body. he would be lying if he said he hadn't started to develop a small crush on the boy, how could he not though? his wide shoulders contrasting his slim waist and hips. the way he talked to yuta is what really got him though, they had always shown to be close when around cameras but truthfully sicheng was still shy around the older boy.

neither was exactly sure why, considering they've been together for such a long time and sicheng seemed fine with the others, he just seemed to get smaller around yuta, and his voice would soften. but the way his eyes sparked when he smiled up at him, that's what sealed the deal.

but unfortunately yuta would never be able to act on these feelings. this is the first time he's ever felt this way for another boy, and although he was certain sicheng wasn't completely straight, he was also pretty certain he had a thing going on with taeil.

shaking his head rid of the thoughts, yuta picked up sichengs bottle and filled it to the top with cold water too, and took a mouthful of his own water as he threw the bottle to the boy, who had already finished the song while yuta was in his own little world.

"thanks" he said, showing a small smile in the direction of yuta, before taking a mouthful of his own water.

"i think I'll stay for another ten minutes then leave, you can leave if you want, i just wanna go over this a few more times" sicheng said, putting his bottle back down on the floor next to the mirror and picking up his towel to wipe his sweaty forehead once again.

"it's okay, i want to practice for a bit longer anyway" yuta said, before pressing play on the song again. this time, he did the choreography next to the boy, but focused on sichengs movements more than his own. once the song ended, yuta had realised what part of the choreography taeyong was on about and decided to help sicheng, even if he denied the fact he needed it sometimes.

"watch me, on the 'stay' part your arms have to go up a bit quicker, you're doing it a bit too softly, then the same with the next part, like this and then, that" yuta said, explaining the choreography with his body, as sicheng watched through the mirror. he attempted to follow along, but once again, his body seemed almost unable to make movements so quick. his days of learning traditional chinese dance was not helping the whole idol life at all, the softness of the moves in that style are the complete opposite of what he does now.

yuta stepped forward, and stood behind sicheng, taking his wrists in his hands, and moving his arms for him. sicheng in front of him, nodding softly, as the touch sent shivers down his spine.

once yuta let go of his grip on the smaller boy, he tried it himself, and this time, succeeded almost perfectly.

"hey, see, i knew you'd get it" yuta smiled over at sicheng "now we should go back to the dorms, you need sleep" he said, picking up the two bottles and two towels before flinging his arm around sichengs shoulders and walking him to his dorm.

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