1.4 ;; sorry

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"what the fuck were you thinking?" doyoung practically screamed at his boyfriend. no one had even caught on to the fact the two were dating, and doyoung knew why, he was always fussing over taeil, but taeil didn't care, he was always too busy looking for and at sicheng.

doyoung wasn't stupid, he knew taeil liked sicheng and was only with him to make him happy, but that didn't make him happy at all, if anything, it made him start to despise the elder.

"you can't talk to me like that" taeil snapped, angered by the loss of formalities from the younger.

"if you want to act like a stupid teenager i'm going to talk you like one" doyoung seethed at the boy sat on his bed, "do you think i'm stupid? did you think i wouldn't notice?"

"i'm sorry okay, i can't help having the feelings i have for him and i can't help but hate seeing yuta take advantage of him like this" he said, tightening his fists in his lap.

"taking advantage of him? taeil, sicheng isn't a child, he knows what he's doing and so does yuta, that doesn't give you the right to injure a member of the team!" doyoung said, his voice cracking slightly as he felt tears well up in his eyes.

"i'm going to talk to taeyong about switching rooms, i don't want us to cause another division in the team but i can't date someone who's so obviously in love with someone else, i'll talk to you.. whenever" doyoung said, before walking out of the room and disappearing down the hallway.

taeil let out a groan before falling back into his bed.

"does it still hurt?" sicheng asked, stroking yuta's cheek with a sad expression.

"i'm good" yuta replied, smiling up sadly at the boy.

"they're not going to let you outside looking like this" sicheng sighed, his thumb running over the bruise on yuta's jaw, receiving a wince in response.

"we can't let the manager hyung see, you'll have to put makeup on it for me" yuta said, taking the boy's hand in his, who nodded slowly.

"i know i said we don't need labels earlier, but sicheng, i'm falling in love with you, will you be my boyfriend?" yuta asked, smiling up at the boy, he gave him a smile back before climbing into the bed next to him and cuddling into his side.

"of course i will, you didn't need to ask" sicheng said giggling as yuta wrapped his arms around his waist, "i love you too yuta, so much"

for a few days yuta and sicheng were given permission by taeyong to stay at the dorm, those few days consisted of sicheng taking care of yuta and making sure he kept ice on his bruises.

by the time they had gone back to practices and schedules yuta's bruises had mostly healed, except for on his jaw on the left side, he still had a faint purple colour there, but it wasn't anything that couldn't be covered by makeup.

taeil hadn't really gone near the two since they've been back, he was honestly too scared to say anything to either of them in fear it will make things worse.

the others could easily see the divide in the team but didn't bring it up, the same fear as taeil running through their head.

none of the boys wanted the team to drift any further apart than they already had, but they were all getting pretty sick of seeing everyone acting so careful around each other, especially taeyong.

"you need to apologise" taeyong said, gently holding taeil's hand, "i know its hard, but we are a family, and we can't let something like this split the team, this could put your career and ours in jeopardy, please taeil, talk to them"

taeil let out a sigh, before walking towards the two boys in the corner tightly holding hands.

"i'm sorry" taeil said, and immediately the two boys went to walk away, "please, listen to me.." he choked out, feeling tears well in his eyes.

"i know, i'm stupid and i shouldn't have done what i did, i hurt both of you and doyoung and it was irresponsible and i shouldn't have done it" he muttered, looking down at the floor.

"at the time, i thought i was in love with sicheng, but i see now i wasn't, i was obsessed with the idea of it and it was dumb, i'm so.. so sorry, please forgive me" he felt his voice crack as a tear trailed down his cheek, before he could say anything else, he felt arms wrap around him. he lifted his eyes slightly to see yuta's blonde hair against his neck and sicheng smiling at him.

taeil tightened his hold on yuta, giving him a squeeze before letting go and doing the same to sicheng.

he then turned and walked to the other side of the room, towards doyoung.

"taeil please, leave me alone" doyoung practically begged as he looked down to the floor, the feeling of his heart breaking in his chest once again.

"wait, doyoung, look, i'm so sorry, i know i'm stupid, i shouldn't have used you like that and it hurts me too seeing you so hurt, i don't expect you to forgive me, but please don't hate me anymore" he said, looking into doyoungs eyes.

doyoung nodded and gave him a weak smile before squeezing his shoulder and walking away.

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