1.6 ;; epilogue

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yuta's eyes followed his boyfriends small frame as he paced the waiting room.

"why're you so nervous?" he voiced, making sicheng stop in his tracks. he slowly turned around looking yuta in the eyes as his own filled with tears. yuta jumped up and wrapped his arms around the boy's waist immediately.

"what if they look at me differently, what if they stop liking me, what if they stop liking nct in general? i can't ruin your career yuta i can't, and the other members, what if they hate me for- " yuta stopped sicheng's rambling by placing a gentle kiss on his lips.

"the members love you sicheng, they always will, you're so beautiful we all think that and i'm sure our nctzens will think so too" he said softly, leaving another kiss on the top of sicheng's nose.

sicheng looked at the floor, his hands tugging at the bottom of his shirt as his tears came to a slow stop. yuta placed his hands on the boy's cheeks, lifting his head up and placing innocent kisses over his whole face, causing sicheng to giggle loudly.

not long after, the two boys found themselves behind the screen, stood in a line with the other members.

it was the final day of the showcase for their newest album which, similar to empathy, all of the members participated in.

they were all stood in line in plain white shirts and black jeans but sicheng was stood almost in the very middle between taeyong and yuta in the same shirt but with a black pleated skirt.

as soon as he heard the music start and the whir of the mechanics inside the screen that would slide open he felt his breath get caught in his chest and he suddenly felt all the nerves from earlier come back and hit him at once.

he quickly latched on to yuta's arm, looking back and forth all of the members with wide eyes, realising what was about to happen, but before he even had a chance to think about backing out, the screen was opened and all of the eyes from the audience were on him.

taeyong looked over and placed his arm around the boy's shoulder, gently detaching him from yuta and walking to the front of the stage with the other members behind them running and jumping excitedly to the music.

before long sicheng completely forgot about his attire and joined in the fun with his other members, happily dancing around with chenle.

once the song had finished all boys stood in a line once again, to say their goodbyes, sicheng being the first to speak.

"so uh, hi seasonies!" he shouted, and smiled to himself hearing the crowd screaming back. "it was really hard for me to come onto this last stage" he said, feeling his eyes fill up again.

"but i'm so glad i did, i love you all so much and i thought it was time to finally be honest with you all! it was all thanks to taeyong, yuta, chenle and all the other members who helped me gain confidence in who i am and how i like to look" he said, almost whispering as tears fell down his cheeks.

he felt a hand land on his thigh and he looked over at yuta who was sat next to him who smiled at him encouragingly. sicheng smiled back and wiped the tears away before lifting the microphone back up to his lips.

"thank you everyone who came tonight and everyone watching live! it made me so happy being here with you all, i can't wait until next time" he said softly.

yuta's speech was the last one to be said, he spoke calmly about how much he enjoyed his time with the nctzens on stage with such a genuine smile on his face it made sicheng smile too without even realising.

"but before we all go, i have one last thing to do" yuta said right after saying goodbye, and suddenly he jumped up, placing himself in front of sicheng, taking his hands and standing him up too.

"i love you so much" he said looking into sicheng's eyes before moving forward and placing his lips on the others in a short but sweet kiss.

sicheng's eyes widened and he felt tears well up almost immediately, the screams of the fans almost completely disappearing as he looked at his love with a big smile.

"i love you too, more than you can imagine" he said, almost whispering as he felt a stray tear escape his eye. he was so undeniably happy in this very moment. knowing his fans knew the real him, who he was and who he loved, and most importantly knowing the man he loved with all of his heart loved him just as much.

there was so many emotions running through his body as yuta wrapped his arms around his slim waist he was unsure of what to do, so the tears kept coming as he wrapped his arms around yuta's neck and hugged him back just as tightly.

suddenly he felt another pair of arms wrap around the two from the side, and then another, and another, and before he knew it, a giant lump of every member of nct was on the stage as they huddled together, he could hear a few other members crying out of happiness for the couple as well as the fans still cheering, but one voice broke through all of the noise.

"i love you so incredibly much, my pretty boy"

the end

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