1.2 ;; confession

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"okay this needs to stop, whatever is" taeyong said, walking it to the practice room where all the other 17 boys were sitting around.

"everyone keeps changing rooms and being awkward with each other and it's annoying, so we're going to change the roommates so hopefully things will get a bit less tense" he said, dropping down onto a chair with a book, ready to write down the new roommates.

not long after all of the rooms were picked, ten and johnny were together, as well as taeil and doyoung, and yuta and sicheng. taeil didn't seem too happy but didn't protest so it was final.

that day they decided to have a free day, taking their time moving their things into their new dorms and settling in. everything was calm, in all rooms, but one.

"hyung" doyoung shouted excitedly as he entered his new dorm. taeil hummed in acknowledgment, but didn't take any effort to look up at the boy, doyoungs smile dropped before he continued anyway.

"i'm going to be the mc when dream have their comeback vlive!" he said, his smile now back as he dropped down onto his bed, sighing happily as he looked at the ceiling. doyoung had always wanted to be a host of some kind, on a radio show, as an mc, anything really, he'd always enjoyed talking to people about different things.

when he found out nct was getting their own radio he was so excited, but was let down when he was told he'd not be the host, although he was happy for jaehyun and johnny to get the positions, he can't say he wasn't a little disappointed. but his enthusiasm for the spot of a host was seen and he gets to mc a lot, but every time he gets the opportunity he still feels the rush of excitement.

"cool" taeil muttered, still staring at his phone, not really paying attention to the boy, who was no longer excited.

"hyung.. can we talk?" he asked, looking over at the boy who just hummed again, "like, seriously talk" doyoung said, this caught taeil's attention who's head was now turned to look at the now sat up boy.

"what's up?" he asked, also sitting up from his position and locking his phone.

"you don't.. find me annoying, right?" doyoung asked, fiddling with his thumbs and looking down at them as if they were the most interesting thing in the world.

"of course not, why'd you think that" the eldest member immediately moved over to sit next to doyoung, "i've been kind of distracted lately, i'm sorry if it seemed like that" he said smiling, putting his arm over the dark haired boys shoulder.

"then, i have something to tell you..." he trailed off "i..i think i like you hyung.. and before you say anything! i know i cant, i know it's against the rules, but i needed to tell you" he mumbled, once again staring at his hands.

taeil was silent for a moment, just thinking.

he was sure he had some type of feelings for sicheng, that's what had been distracting him so much lately, seeing him close with people never usually angered him but for some reason seeing him with yuta frustrated him a lot. they'd always been pretty touchy on camera and that didn't bother him at all, but lately, they seemed to have been getting closer.

the way the would look at each other across the practice room, the way they'd shyly exchange glances and sneak off together, it all seemed to fishy to taeil and he hated to admit it but he was jealous.

but maybe his feeling for sicheng weren't the same as the feelings doyoung had confessed to having for him? maybe this would be good for him, to both take his mind off of sicheng and to make doyoung happy, its a win win situation, nothing could go wrong... right?

"you look so cute" yuta giggled, looking over at sicheng who was snuggled up under a huge fluffy blanket and a mountain of plushies. sicheng sent him a smile before pulling his blanket up closer to his chin.

yuta stood up, walking over to his new roommates bed with a big smile of his own before dropping down next to the boy.

"i'm glad we're roommates" he says, climbing under the blanket and plushies and laying next to sicheng.

"me too" the boy replied with a big smile, turning over to look at yuta, "i get to wear whatever i want now, and i get to cuddle you forever" he said before rolling over and laying on top of the boy, their chests pressed against each other and their faces only inches away.

sicheng smiled before leaning down and connecting their lips in a short but sweet kiss.

"what are we?" he whispered, burying his face in yuta's neck.

"do we need a label? i just want us to stay like this" yuta said, before rolling them over on the small bed so he was on top of the skinny boy, causing the majority of plushies to fall on the floor.

yuta leaned forward, pressing his forehead against sichengs with a content smile.

"i really like you sicheng, i hope you do too" he said before moving his face and pressing their lips together again, this time, more needy and aggressively.

after a small makeout session and a cold shower, yuta was laying in the dark, looking over at sicheng's sleeping figure with a smile, before closing his own eyes and disappearing into his dreams.

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