*~Before We Start~*

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A quick run through of all the zodiacs
Simply look for your birthday in one of
The time periods to find which one you are 


♈ Aries — March 21 - April 20
♉ Taurus — April 21 - May 21
♊ Gemini — May 22 - June 21
♋ Cancer — June 22 - July 22
♌ Leo — July 23 - August 22
♍ Virgo — August 23 - September 23
♎ Libra — September 24 - October 23
Scorpius — October 24 - November 22
♐ Sagittarius — November 23 - December 21
♑ Capricorn — December 22 - January 20
♒ Aquarius — January 21 - February 19
♓ Pisces — February 20 - March 20

Comment your birthday and find your zodiac twin 😊
I'm proud to be a Capricorn (01/12)

I'm always looking for suggestions so feel free to voice
idea's you have in the comments ~ preferably
not dm's because they will be checked rarely ~

In no way, shape, or form am I a professional
at reading palms or predicting celestial
anything's. Therefore, everything in this book
is for fun and will not always be 100%
accurate so please don't attack me for
making your sign look bad ^^

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