Chapter Seven

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Rain hurled itself upon the smaller kingdom. Violent winds ripped away anything that was not secure and tossed it a mile away. Emergency conditions were declared amount the kingdom, advising residents to stay in their homes. From Ana's understanding, the businesses the littered the country were not functioning, giving only a glimpse at the severity of the storm.

Despite the raging elements, the building was eerily quiet, giving the astronaut an unsettling feeling in her stomach. She had skipped breakfast this morning, opting for a few more moments of sleep as storms provided perfect resting conditions. As a result, the brunette had not gotten to see Eris.

It had only been a night since she had spoken to the royal, yet her presence was missed dearly, especially after the debacle from the night before. She wanted to apologize, though she did little wrong besides punch Rochet. Apologizing, genuinely at least, would help mend their relationship, or so Anastasia hoped.

Well after the breakfast hour, someone knocked on the door, forcing Ana unwrap herself from blankets. The air caused goosflesh on her exposed skin. She covered herself in a grey shift, deciding that it wasn't appropriate to answer the door in underwear.

Tylishemi stood with another woman, the same color as her was. She looked unusually similar to him, her eyes and nose the same shape as his. The brunette had seen her before, especially in the queen's bedroom. A pang of jealousy hit her, but she tapped it away. If the queen was having a relationship with this girl, she would have told her.

"Ana," he greeted, "This is Undiya, a sister of mine."

A pale hand extended to the red female. "Nice to meet you."

Eyes glanced down at the appendage before meeting blue. Ana dropped her hand uncomfortably.

"She speaks no very well," T explained, smiling at his sister fondly.

The brunette nodded, and spoke the same thing in their tongue, finally receiving a response.

"Not that I don't love seeing you, but was there a reason you came?"

"You are asked for."

Bare feet followed as the duo lead her to the throne room, still in he shift. The usual crowds of people that lingered in the hallways were nonexistent. The silence was strange.

They entered the room following custom, on their knees except Ana. As a guest, she was allowed leniency to the rules. She was treated more like one of the royal family members in her privileges. That also was strange, but she understood the gesture. The species was incredibly strict on treating guests well and following protocols.

Eris was perched on her throne per usual, but her gaze did not fall on those entering. She was distracted, gazing to the left on her throne at the floor. Manicured nails were tangled in raven hair, curls cascading down strong, exposed shoulders. Another dress adorned the lithe body, deep scarlet and cinched at the hips. Black heels sat beside the throne, occupying space rather than being worn.

"My queen," T spoke, their tongue filling the otherwise silent room. He and Undiya began to retreat, only to be stopped by Eris' voice.

"This is quick."

Ana frowned. The lavender woman was acting cold, and incredibly distant. The brunette assumed it was retribution for her behavior.

Eris met Anastasia's gaze, almost emotionless as she spoke. "The weather is delaying. Your part is here in another cycle, or more."

Pink lips parted. The news was unwelcomed and meant that she'd be stranded here for another month or more. "So what do we do now?"

"We wait." She stated matter-of-factly. "You are dismissed." Eris stood from her throne and proceeded to the window, only to be stopped by the human.

"Wait. That's it? We're not going to talk about this?"

"Nothing to discuss; nothing we do. You will leave and I will work."

Ana wanted to protest. She wanted to stomp her foot and demand the queen speak to her, but she knew better. In this circumstance, Eris was her superior, which meant she could not disobey orders, even if they were inconvenient. It also would not send the right message if she were questioning the woman's authority in front of her workers. Using her common sense and dismissing her pride, Anastasia nodded her head and walked out, containing her aggravation.

She went back to her bedroom and changed into a simple gown similar to her. She then joined the others who convened in the dining room. Lunch would soon be served, but Tylishemi and Undiya were not needed for a period of time. So they made light conversation. Ana learned that they were only a few years apart, T being the oldest. Their parents had abandoned them after Undiya was born, no longer capable of caring for both of them. Apparently, their parents didn't want to split them up, so they left them in front of the queen's gates. The young man could no longer recall what his parents looked like, yet still spent most of his youth searching for them for U's sake. He felt they deserved answers, but were never able to locate them.

Even Eris aided in searching, but Ana assumed if they wanted to be found, they would have been by now.

"I'm so sorry that happened to you," the brunette empathized, not able to imagine the emotional harm it could have caused them.

"It is okay." Undiya smiled, "We are happy. The queen is..." She stuttered over a word, almost uncertain on how to translate it. "fretö."


T agreed, "She is. She has been parent. We are--"

He was cut off by a chime signalling the next meal.

Both bowed their heads at Ana, which she returned with a smile, and hurried to the kitchen. The astronaut moved to her usual seat beside Eris' chair and waited. Residents of the castle emerged slowly, taking their respective seats and indulging in light conversation. Eris' seat remained empty, even as red-skinned men and women brought in platters of food. A weird feeling similar to dread settled in the brunette's stomach. The absence of the queen gave wind to a sense of avoidance for Ana. It wasn't in the woman's character, or at least the character she had displayed for the human.

As the joyous conversation began to pick up, Anastasia squirmed in her seat awkwardly. She hadn't made acquaintances with many aliens, especially not the group that dined with her and the queen. Those she had befriended had little status, or worked more than others. Though it didn't matter who she spoke to, Ana felt uncomfortable around the assumed higher class. They seemed friendly, that much was evident, but she worried about if they expected her to speak English or their language, if she had the right to speak with them or not, and other overthought scenarios.

After some time and further waiting, the brunette excused herself and scoured the halls. Her first instinct was to check the throne room, but she was met with disappointment. Bare feet collided with marble and took her to the queen's bedroom, door wide open and room empty as well. Unsure of where to go next, Ana walked the halls, peering into every open door.

She was ready to throw in the towel until she heard the recognizable voice she had been searching for. Another voice chimed in, undeniably belonging to Rochet.

Anger simmered in the brunette's stomach, but she tamped it down, reminding herself that it is unnecessary. The human listened in on the conversation from the doorway, not trying to intrude. She assumed their encounter was about the queen's punishment for him, but she was sadly mistaken.

Her translation was loose, and she withheld a gasp upon hearing Eris demand Rochet speed up the building. The lavender queen reasoned that it'd get the girl out of their hands and on her way. The faster the production, the faster the commander got home.

Rochet agreed and apologized for what he had insinuated, to which the queen accepted.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me," Anastasia cursed, turning on her heels.

Fueled with a righteous anger, the young woman stormed through the castle and to the garden. Even within the semi-enclosed space, the elements raged against her. Within seconds, she was saturated and her hair whipped in every direction. She let out a harsh cry, stomach twisted and emotions matching the weather.

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