Chapter Eleven

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Anastasia was woken by a prodding finger. She groaned into the plush fabric protecting her, begging for just a few more moments of solitude. She was in the midst of a wonderful dream, filled with children, her crew, and the residents of Utania. Not to mention, Eris was among them, a soft smile on her lips as she watched the brunette playing with the children-- two beautiful, blue boys, identical in size and appearance.

The woman was sure they belonged to her, perhaps not biologically, but the affection swelling in her heart was enough.

She was in the middle of teaching them games from her childhood, specifically blind man's bluff. Agnosio, the more daring of the two, was blindfolded and fumbling around with the horrible directions Ana and Yarzi were giving. His only goal was to make it to Eris, but he had already missed her three times, which only brought on fits of laughter from both sides.

It was a beyond satisfying dream, and Ana wished to return to it.

Instead of a finger, soft lips on her shoulder forced the human to stir, raising her head and eyeing the queen. Dark hair was mused and filled with static, but still unbelievably straight. Her face showed smug satisfaction, eyes twinkling with mirth.

Ana was ready to wipe that smirk off her lips--or kiss it away--whichever was more feasible.

"You make noise when you rest."

Unkempt brows scrunched. "What?"

"You sound of angry beast," Eris elaborated, amused with the girl before her.

The brunette was silent, digesting the monarch's words and trying to make sense of them, at least until the dots connected. "There's no way I snore!" She exclaimed incredulously.

No one had ever told her that, not even Chris, and they lived together for a handful of years.

"Of course," the royal sang, standing from the bed and rummaging through her gowns. "You must be correct."

"You don't believe me?"

She held a black dress against her body. "No etïm, I agree with you." Her torso twisted, popping her hip to the side to show Ana. "For today, yes?"

The brunette was about to argue, but her words were lodged in her throat. Just by the looks of it, the dress cinched at the waist. The cut was extremely low, stopping mid-chest and laced with black ribbon like a bodice. It looked like it'd be skin tight. Ana's brain short circuited.


Eris' amusement disappeared, confusion in her eyes. "Is is not good?"

"No, it's..uh..good," she stuttered out, still recovering. "Very good."

Golden eyes studied her before refocusing on the dress. She shuffled into the conjoined room and shut the door, leaving Ana baffled still.

She eventually pulled herself out of it and got out of bed. The air bit at her exposed shoulder-the tunic hanging obnoxiously low to the side. She didn't bother fixing it. All that concerned her at the moment was getting dressed.

The commander stumbled out and through the hall, grateful that no one was awake and out of their respected rooms. Reaching her door, she waltzed in without preamble. Blue eyes practically bulged out of her head upon discovering Zuri and Johnny still asleep and snuggled up to each other. They were fully clothed, but Ana could tell they were completely comfortable. The neurons in her brain lit with activity, but she shot it down with a low sigh.

"A question for another time," she muttered, returning to her mission and pulling out the clothes she arrived in.

Shameless, Anastasia stripped, not worried if the portion of her crew laying in bed woke. To say they were close was an understatement. Everyone had been disrobed at one time or another. At first, most were uncomfortable, but given that they became closer than a family, it soon began to be less awkward.

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