The Dawn Of The Crescent

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Chapter Thirteen: Leo's POV:
        The last three weeks had been good, except for the fact that we cleaned the toilet for two weeks, I enjoyed the rest of the week.
      We practiced how to control our powers, the uses and how to perform our roles. Tucker became one of my closest friends in the pack. He introduced me to some people I don't even know existed in the pack, sons of Deltas and non-armetory wolves i.e sons of people who their parents are not Beta, Omega nor Delta. But they play some good role in the pack, roles like: building of houses, running of the bakery, and agriculture. I found Awizzy funny and I found Anabelle very pretty, if I were to pick a mate, trust me I would pick her. But unfortunately, she is Awizzy's mate.
     Tucker's mate is also beautiful, she is a delta wolf, her name is Ava. She came to kiss him when we were cleaning the toilet last week and ran back immediately, she is a very shy person.
     Loving Virgo was lovely, I kept going to her house every weekend to greet her and keep her company. Her dad knows I am her mate and he accepted me with open arms. Every time I go to her house, Orion keeps trying to get intimate with her, but each time he does she keep saying she is not ready.
    Mrs. Yogurts pants....that's what Crux calls her in return for insulting him, taught us the theory part of being an Alpha, while Mr. Anthony taught us the practical part. I picked it up as easy as the winkle of an eye, maybe because of he had taught me  similar techniques or maybe because I kept seeing Virgo during practice class and my wolf is trying to prove to her or maybe because I feel sharper than the others. Sometimes, Mr. Anthony lets the finishers take the practice class to show their power of leadership. I love Dave, he teaches well, he teaches like how any other Alpha should teach but I dislike George's teachings because he is partial, he is strict on boys but he isn't on girls, he keeps touching them during the practice claiming that he is "showing them how to do it".
        Crux was a complete different person after that incident had happened, and he didn't tell us why. He avoided Auriga and he avoided us. During class, he was always silent and during break, he would eat alone. Even during detention, he would be silent and if we try to make him laugh, he would just ignore us or sometimes shout on us to leave him alone. He even blocked us from mind linking him,only alphas can do that.
Yesterday's evening:
    Me and Tucker were still talking playfully about our teacher, Mrs. Yothigi when I saw her, sitting alone at the entrance of our pack house
      "Auriga? What happened?" I asked
And as she raised her head, her swollen and red eyes was uninviting. Like I was the cause of her sadness, she broke into fresh tears that could fill the whole Sahara desert with its content.
       "What happened?" I asked again as I went to her, embraced her and provided my shoulders for her to cry on.
      She sniffled," I....  Wha.... Why?" She said as she broke down again.
     "Sorry... Stop crying.... What happened?" I said as I stroked her hair and little droplet of tears formed in my eyes.
     "Crux..... He..... He... said ......h...he...  wants... to.....!" She said as she cried again.
      "He said what?" I asked .
   "Crux..... said..... he...... wants.... to break our mating bond...... He said he did not want me as a mate!" She said as she broke down again.

   With anger raging in me, I raced to the United Howlers pack. It was in the middle of the whole Howlers Continent. Filar had gone out, he drove Dad to a meeting and I dont have access to the other cars, so I had to put what we had been taught to practice.
     "Hello Orion" I said as I cracked my knuckles.
     My eyes turned golden, and my claws was slightly seen. I did not fully transform but I had enough energy to run from here to the United Howlers Pack.
      I ran into the woods and I tried to dodge incoming obstacles like trees, stones and twigs by either jumping or changing direction. I got to the boundaries of the United Howlers and I sook permission from the Delta to continue my journey. I stopped running and started walking, I had walked some miles when a man with brown hair walked past me suspiciously, his face was facing the floor and like he knew I was coming, he quickly pulled his hoodie over his head as he continued his journey. My heart fastened but why, anger rose within my vessels but I don't know why. I took a deel breath and the scent of chemical rushed through my nostrills, which made me cough continously. I looked at the direction which the strange man passed in hope of meeting him again but he was gone.
     I walked to the pack house, I knocked the door, the door knob twisted and it flung opened.
      "Ava?" I said surprised. She was wearing a bum short and white singlet like cloth with her blue bra showing from the transpiracy of her cloth.
     "Oh! Hey?" She said shyishly.
"How are you?" I asked.
      "Am fine. What do you want?"
"Uhmmmmm...... Nothing..... I just ask for Daniel.... Daniel Crux."
         "Daniel!" She shouted and a voice from afar yelled," Yes!"
      "You have a visitor?"
"A visitor? Who?"
     "Why don't you come and see" she replied as she walked back to the kitchen probably.
       My friend, Crux came out a few seconds later wearing a pair of blue trousers with no clothes. He was surprised to see me, but he didn't ignore me.
     "Hey Leo" he said as he gave me a handshake and a pat on the back.
"Come in"
      I walked inside, he led me up the stairs and we entered his room. His room was scattered, his clothes were in different directions and don't let me talk about his shoes. His table was the only neat thing in his room, and on it laid a bunch of keys containing five different keys, surely the black one is for his car but I don't know about the remaining.
      I sat on his unlaid bed and he threw an apple to me which I caught like an experienced goal keeper.
      "So Ava is your sister?"
"Hmnnn...... Something like that!"
      "Something like what?"
  "We are triplets. Born on the same day, same hour even same minutes"
     "Who is the third one?"
He sniffed and a broad smile appeared on his face," You will know when the time is right"
"So why are you here?" He said facing his mirror, and flexing his muscles.
     I took a bite of the juicy red apple before asking my question.
     "Why were you avoiding us? You don't talk like you used to, and you don't interact like you normally do, why?"
       "Am sorry man, Some issues that you can't understand came up. Personal issues. Am sorry once again."
    "Ok bro. But why did you want to break bonds with Auriga?"
     He laughed softly and said," Because of reasons best known to me Leo. Leo, there is alot of things you don't know about me. And I want it to stay that way."
     "See, I love Auriga, and I would have preferred her as a mate. But when you don't value what other people like me cherish, anger and hatred will set in"
     He chuckled and replied, " I had a change of mind earlier. Ava had talked to me too about it. Should we go to her pack?"
     "No problem"
   He picked a blue cloth hanging roughly on the chair and inserted it into the ironing machine, and in two minutes the rough cloth was smoothly ironed.
     "But if I break the bond with her, you can marry her as a second mate?" He joked as he wore the freshly ironed cloth.
       "And why in the Lycan world would I do that? Why would I have two wives?" I joked along.
       "Why can't you have two wives? But lions have more than one mate?".
    I laughed,"Am I a lion?" I replied as I made my eyes glow gold.
    "Yes!' He said as he chuckled along.
"So are you preparing for the OWWC? I heard it is coming up next month?" He asked
      "Yea. I registered yesterday for the competition."
      "Same here. But am not sure i can win"
"You can. We can do it together"
     " I think we will be paired on Monday, the preparation starts on Monday"
   "Yes, that's true" he said through mind link and I could not help but to laugh and he let out only a broad smile and we head out.

We raced to the Dark Howlers Pack for twenty five minutes non stop. My wolf was faster than his, so I  got there earlier. We rested for five minutes to catch our breathe before proceeding to knock the door.
   Auriga opened the door like a zombie, her eyes were swollen and were as red as scarlet, her hair was unbrushed but she still looked beautiful.
"Hey baby!"
      "Your bloody son of a *****, you asshole, What the f*** are you doing here,.....You bloody son of a *******......"
     Daniel tried to explain but she kept going on and on as fresh tears began to come out of her eyes. OMG this girl needs to shut the fuck up.
    She kept crying, banging Crux on his chest and kept insulting but Daniel shut her up with a lovely kiss. He swept her off her feet, carried her in his arms and she led the way to her bedroom and all I could hear after that were soft moans.Advantages of Enhanced Hearings :)

Sorry for the little delay!
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To daniel, Congratulations!
To my readers, A big Thank you!
And to my Lovers, I love You.. Muah!
Prince Adetunji Heryomide.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2018 ⏰

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