The Dawn of The Crescent.

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Chapter Ten: Leo POV:
     Forest of trees kept flashing past me, my heart beat was fast, and I felt adrenaline pumping through my body like it had a pumping machine with a thousand horsepower. Droplets of sweat was formed on my fore head but I didn't bother about them. I looked up to the sky and noticed the thick grayish black cloud fill the sky and a quarter of the moon appeared it crescent form. I tilted my head a bit to the right and noticed the sun in the sky also sharing its light but it was also it's crescent form, with the thick clouds filling the remaining part of the sun. What's happening?  Is there a war? Where am I? All this series of questions flowed through my head before I heard a very familiar voice scream my name like a someone whose a** had been shoveled with a digger.
    "Leo!" The voice screamed and only then did I notice I had been running throughout with no shirt, a black jean and I was bear footed. My claws were out, my fangs were out, my eyes were glowing gold and a few of my black hair was white. Obviously,  I was in my half human-half wolf form. I was tracking something, trailing something or someone but Who? Why was I running? Where am I going? Where are my clothes and shoes?
  "Leo!" The voice screamed again, louder this time jacking me off my land of thought.
    My heart beat fastened, more ATP was given out giving me more energy to run as fast as my legs could carry me. I tried all my best to dodge incoming obstacles like the trees, twigs, and even incoming birds. Suddenly two wolves ran passed me and I could only catch their shadow and their glowing blue eyes, betas!
    I didn't let their presence stop me as I continued to run, though they were ahead of me.
    A cliff! End of the road! I began to doubt maybe I could make it. I had began to slow down when the same unknown voice screamed louder. My human aura stepped aside and my wolf aura took control as I balanced and ran with my hands and legs, running faster, gaining more momentum and more velocity to dive through the air. I found my self in mid air jumping off a cliff that is five meters apart from the beginning of the other end.
    I landed on my toes before proceeding on my mysterious journey. Jumping had reduced my speed, but before I could take steps to build my momentum, I was stopped by the two beta wolves that had surrounded me. I growled lowly, and like that was a taboo, the Deltas of the pack had surrounded me. The Alpha of the pack jumped the cliff and landed safely kneeling on one leg as he slowly raised his head up. His red glowing eyes scared me a little as I let out a growl. Though I couldn't recognized him because his face was clouded and only his red glowing eyes beamed.
    "Leo!" The voice screamed again and I tried to fight my way through the wolves, but all effort proved futile. I roared as loud as I could as a means of telling the mysterious voice that am coming for her. I faced the Alpha and asked," What do you want from me?"
    He said nothing but like my voice was a trigger, he launched at me with full velocity and I fell to the unforgiving and unmerciful floor. I healed quickly, but I didn't wait to heal fully. I charged at him with the aim of punching the hell out of him, he dodged every single move and defended himself with his hands and legs before punching me in my right cheek. I fell on the unmerciful floor again and touched my cheeks, it stinged by my touch as blood flowed down to the floor. I spat blood, but before I could stand up, he punched my back, which made me fall back to the ground without rebounding. I felt five consecutive punches on my back before the person finally left.
    "Who are you?" I managed to ask with the little energy left in me but he didn't answer, he only walked away. I felt my backbone setting back to where it belongs due to the healing process.
    "Who are you?" I asked again with a voice louder than a whisper, he didn't answer,  he only walked to a nearby box, opened it and brought out a silver sword with the design of a dragon drawn on it. He walked closer slowly, saying some words I could not hear.
     "What do you want from me?" I asked when he got a little closer.
    "Your power" he replied, and that was the first word I would ever hear him say. Though his voice sounded familiar, very familiar but I could not remember where I have heard it. He sounded demonic, so demonic that I think he is the devil himself.
    "You are not an Alpha, Beta, Omega nor Delta" He continued and I felt fear travel through my spinal cord to my brain via my medulla.
    "I'm not an Alpha, Beta, Omega nor Delta..... Then what am I?" I asked as I spat blood on the floor. Though am not fully healed, but I had enough energy to stand up but I couldn't walk.
   He got close before punching me again in my stomach and my left cheek. I fell again, but I quickly healed as I found the strength to stand up. As I stood up, I felt a blade thrust through my back, made it way through my intestine and came out of my tummy. Black blood poured from my mouth as the sword glowed yellow but the dragon design remained silver. He twisted it in again and I fell on my kneels, he removed the sword, bent down to my ear and whispered.
     "You are different"
  "Leo!" The voice came again as I fell to my face and everything slowly began to black out as he picked his sword again, raised it up and thrust it down into a different spot on my head. It broke my skull, pierced my brain, brain juice spilled and all I could say was "Am Sorry" as everything blacken out.
    "No!" I screamed as I jacked up from bed, collecting myself from Phoebus, the god of nightmare.
    I was sweating profusely, my pillow was soaked with sweat and droplets of sweats was still visible on my head. My heart was beating fast, Orion was scared. I tapped my chest and "All is well" was all I kept on saying as I looked left and right for the mysterious Alpha.
     "Grinnnnn" my alarm rang loudly and I jumped off the bed and landed on the floor due to fear and a loud "Ahh" left my mouth. I hit the alarm in annoyance, rubbed my eyes before proceeding to the bathroom.
     I felt totally different, I kept perceiving different aromas amd I could even smell the fragnance of my father's perfume, I heard him close the door. But before then he mind linked me saying his goodbyes.
     After cleaning up, I wore a purple round necked top, a black jean, a black sandal and a black wristwatch. I picked my bag, placed over my right shoulder before leaving the room. I raced down the stairs, and left the house not caring about the food am meant to eat for breakfast. I entered the car, played my favorite Patricia Diamond's song 'Goodluck' and sang along. I got to THUS in thirty minutes and packed my car in the lot( why do I like calling it a lot? It is a car park for crying out loud? A lot is were cars are parked for selling.)before checking the time. My wristwatch read seven ten am and I was happy that I wasn't late. I walked majestically to the notice board where we had been grouped to our class. I notice there was no one around the board only a few people going rushing to class.
    I was so happy, when I saw my name in the Alpha class,maybe I am a different type of Alpha afterall! I walked majestically to the Alpha class for freshers, and entered through the front door.
    Four people were seated and they all turned to my direction and looked at me like I had grown wings, two heads, five legs and three eyes. They didn't talk but they allowdd the teacher to do the talking.
    "Lupus Leo..... Do you realise what time it is?"
    I looked up in search of the clock, found it but its long hands were an twelve and the short one on eight. Shit it's 8:00am. I looked at my own wristwatch, it's hands were still on seven and two. Goddammit! Batteries!
     "I apologize ma, my wristwatch deceived me" I apologized genuinely.
    "Have your seat." She commanded.
I turned to seat down, that's when I noticed Daniel Crux was there, smiling at me. I sat behind him and we exchanged greetings with handshakes.
    'Eyes' was boldly written on the board. I brought out a note and a pen  from my bag as the teacher resumed her teachings.
     "What's her name?" I whispered to Daniel.
     "Mrs. Yothi Deythi." He replied.
   "Oh...... Nice name" I chuckled.
"What of Auriga and Virgo?" He asked.
    "I don't know. After yesterday, I can remember anything that had happen. You?"
    "Same here...... All I know is that our wolf definately chose a mate yesterday."
  "Grinnnn! Grinnnnn! Grinnn!" The bell rang setting us free from the hands of Mrs. Yothigi, the indian wolf. Though, she is not  our teacher, Mr. Anthony is, her class was interesting. She tried making it lively by making fun of us, one after the other. The class burst into laughter when Mrs Yothigi compared Daniel to the Yeti in Ski Safari and when he objected, she said due to his blonde hair,he looks like Evana and a loud crowd of laughter accompanied her statement.
     Me and Daniel as usual walked to our favorite cafeteria...... it is actually a restaurant! But they sell coffee also? Well, let's call it a RESTAUCAFE.....
      "That woman really pissed me off back there. And she thinks it's funny. Maybe she likes me?." He kept complaining as we sat on our favorite spot after taking our food. As he kept complaining, I kept laughing.
     "Hello darlings!" A very familar voice said happily.
      "Oh Virgo" I said after a little chuckle left my mouth. I was about to give her a handshake, but she pulled me close, embraced me.... Normal right! But to my surprise, she pulled me closer and in microseconds our lips were together, laying on top of each other in a sweet wonderful KISS!
I hope you all enjoyed this part. Thank you all, for your love and support.
All the Ballers, Iyanu, timi and Daniel. Especially Daniel, thanks for the inspiration (it's not easy, my boy) yesterday was Monday oooooo:) LOL........Just a special thanks to you.
Please comment and vote, I would love to know your view about the book.
Love you all.
Prince Adetunji Heryomide.
Follow me on instagram @emperor Heryomide.

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