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A small grin played across your lips as you made your way down the hallway. You were on your way to one of your favorite classes, history.
It was your favorite because it was the last class of the day, and your best friend along with your crush were in that class.

'Maybe I'll get a chance to talk to him today.' You thought as you started working over possible conversation starters for your crush. You didn't get far in your thoughts before you were interrupted by the nagging voice of your best friend.

"(YN)? (YN)? Hey, are you even listening to me?" Your best friend, Hazel, whined from beside you.

You turned towards Hazel to see her blue eyes held a small glare to them.

You smiled sheepishly before speaking, "heh sorry, I was lost in thought."

Hazel shook her head disapprovingly before a mischievous smile made its way to her face.

"Ah daydreaming about your crush, Derrick again?" Hazel questioned with a cheeky grin on her face.

"H-hey I was not! I uh...I was just thinking about my math homework!" You blurted out as your cheeks burned bright red at the thought of your crush.

Hazel smirked at your reaction and wrapped her arm loosely around yours.

"It's okay, your secret's safe with me. I promise not to tell anyone you have pervy thoughts about Derrick." Hazel said with a playful smirk.

You huffed in annoyance at Hazel's comment, preparing to deny it until you realized that you had made it to class.

Walking into the classroom you quickly said goodbye to Hazel and went to your seat before she could tease you anymore. Hazel grinned knowingly at you from across the room as she too took her seat.

You frowned deeply at her behavior and turned your attention to the front of the room. Not a moment after the teacher walked into the classroom and began her lecture.

~After class~

Class was uneventful for the most part except for getting invited to an end of year party later tonight. You weren't really a party person but you didn't really see the harm in going to at least one party.

The only problem was you would have to convince your parents to let you go since you still weren't out of the house yet. You hated trying to convince them to let you do things like that. It always led to a long discussion that almost always ended in a no. Which was the very reason why you looked forward to graduating and moving out this year. It meant that you would no longer need to ask permission to do things. Until then though you had to abide by your parents wishes.

'Maybe they'll feel bad and let me go to this one party since my last year of high school is almost over.' You thought as you made your way through the hallways of your high school.

The school you went to was small, with a grand total of only 500 students attending it. There was such a small amount of students because the town you lived in was so small. The town was so small to the point where it lacked any modern clothing stores. So if anyone in the town wanted nice clothing they would have to take a two hour drive to the nearest city, which was Portland.

It sucked but you didn't mind too much. You actually liked where you lived. You liked it because the houses were spaced out which allowed your family to have the kind of privacy you couldn't have living in a crowded city. It was nice. 

The down side to this was that if someone wanted to visit somebody they would have to walk or drive a ways just to reach the person's house.

The majority of people in town would end up walking rather than driving because not all the roads in town were paved. Luckily, your parents only made you walk to and from school. If you had to go anywhere else they would just use their Jeep to drive you.

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