Green Eyes

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The bus ride took a total of two hours and thirty minutes much to your displeasure. By the time you arrived at the bus station in Eugene the sky was beginning to darken.

'Well this is great.' You thought sarcastically as you put your backpack on and made your way out of the bus.

'It's going to be dark soon and I don't have a safe place to stay for the night.' You thought gloomily as you slowly stepped out of the bus.

'Maybe I can sleep on one of the benches here or hide out in the girls bathroom.' You then thought as you glanced around the bus station.

Seeing a few empty benches near the ticket booth you made your way over to them. You sat down on the bench farthest from the ticket booth as not to bother anyone.

You then glanced around before slipping your backpack off. Opening your backpack you reached inside it and pulled out your blanket. You then zipped your backpack up and sat it down on the corner of the bench.

Pulling your blanket tightly over yourself you laid back down on the bench and placed your head upon your backpack. Slipping your hands underneath the backpack you adjusted it before glancing around.

There were a few people standing near the bus stop and a couple other people sleeping on some benches. Overall it seemed safe enough to fall asleep so you closed your eyes and welcomed the darkness that came over you.

You awoke several hours later to the sound of car horns and people talking. Slowly setting up from your spot on the bench you rubbed the sleep out of your eyes as you glanced around.

There were a lot more people at the bus stop now and the road near the bus station was full of traffic.

'Well this is lovely.' You thought  sarcastically as you took your blanket off and put it back into your backpack.

Standing up and you began to stretch out your sore and stiff body.

'I never want to sleep on a bench ever again.' You thought as you grabbed your backpack off of the bench.

You then glanced around in search of a bathroom. Seeing the sign for the women's bathroom you made your way towards it.

Entering the bathroom you went into a stall and took care of your business. Once done with that you cleaned and redressed the cut on your arm. After that was finished you walked back out of the bathroom.

Pushing through the crowd of people you finally made it out of the bus station. Sighing in relief at this you made your way to the sidewalk. As you walked down the sidewalk you pulled out the map the hikers gave you in the forest.

It was a map of the area around your old town but on the back of it there was a map of all of Oregon. Looking over the map you found the name of the highway that would lead you out of Oregon.

'Now all I need to do is get to the highway from here and catch a ride from someone.' You thought as you slowly walked down the sidewalk.

Glancing up at the rode signs you used them in an attempt to find your destination. After a few hours of blindly following the road signs you found yourself at a gas station near the highway.

'Oh thank goodness.' You thought while walking to the door of the gas station. Opening the door you stepped inside and immediately went to the isles full of food. Walking down one of the isles you stopped by the energy bars.

While looking over all the different flavors you listened to a middle aged couple talking in the isle over.

"Honey, did you call to tell your sister that we'll be arriving in Tulare late Wednesday evening?" The women said to who you assumed was her husband.

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