A Painful Reality

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A knot began forming in your stomach at the sound of footsteps nearing the door. A soft click sounded as the door slowly opened.

Behind the door was a woman who looked to be in her early fourties. She had blonde messy hair and dark brown eyes.

She stared at you tiredly for a few moments before her eyes widened.

"Oh my god! You're bleeding! Are you okay?!" The women said worriedly as she took in your oappearance.

You shook your head afraid your voice would crack if you spoke.

"Oh you poor thing, please come inside. My husband and I can help you." The women said as she stepped to the side of the door so you could enter.

'Should I go in? I mean I don't even know these people... they could be crazy for all I know.' You thought as you glanced between the door and the forest.

'If I stay out here I'll probably get killed though.' You thought before making up your mind and slowly walking into the house. The women gently shut the door behind you and locked it.

She then smiled at you reassuringly and turned her head towards the stairs.

"Jamie! Get down here and bring the first aid kit, its an emergency!" The women yelled up the stairs to who you assumed was her husband.

The women then turned to you with kind smile adorning her face.

"Come dear, we can wait in the dining room so that you can have a place to seat for when he treats your wounds." The woman said as she gestured for you to follow her.
You nodded and silently trailed behind the woman into the dining room.

"I understand if you don't want to talk, you look like you've been through a lot... but I just wanted to let you know that my name is Isabell and if you need anything at all feel free to ask." The woman you now knew as Isabel said with a calming smile.

You simply nodded. You didn't want to speak. You were afraid they would ask about what happened and you weren't ready speak about it yet.

Isabel smiled gently at you as she gestured for you to take a seat at the dining table. You eagerly complied. You were too tired to stand up anymore.

After you sat down a tall man with wavy brown hair and green eyes walked into the room. He was carrying a first aid kit.

"What's the emergen- oh." The man started to say until he saw you setting at the dining table. He glanced to Isabel before walking over to you.

He smiled gently down at you as he placed the first aid kit on the table.

"Hey I'm Jamie, Isabel's husband. I'm going to look at your cuts, okay?"

You nodded as you silently watched Jamie open up the first aid kit. He pulled out a pair of blue gloves along with other various medical supplies.

He smiled reassuringly at you as he slipped the gloves on. He then began to inspect your wounds.

He started with your bloodied arm first.

"Can you take this shirt of so I can better see the wound?" Jamie asked as he pointed to your plaid over shirt.

You nodded your head absentmindedly as you slipped you the shirt off. You had a short sleeved shirt on underneath the plaid one so it's not like he would see anything anyways.

Jamie gently took the shirt from you and placed it on the table. He then proceeded to inspect the wound before throughly disinfecting it. It hurt but it was nothing to compared to the pain of of losing your parents and dogs.

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