Him Again

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After around thirty minutes of staring out the window and seeing nothing you began to think that maybe they had changed their minds about calling the police. That thought quickly vanished from your mind when you saw a grey truck pull into the drive way though.

All the police officers in town drove a grey truck with police sirens on top of it. You weren't really sure why but you think it had something to do with your town being so small and the lack of funding for real police cars.

The doors to the truck opened to reveal two men. They didn't look like police officers though. They looked more like everyday people based upon the clothes they were wearing.

'Maybe they're trying to blend in with the civilians?' You thought as you saw Jamie and Isabel walking out of the house to greet them.

They stood there talking to each other for a few moments before Isabel pointed towards your window while saying something. The two officers looked in the direction where Isabel was pointing.

Your breath hitched as you made eye contact with one of the officers. He had cold dark eyes and white hair.

'He's one of the murders from last night...' You thought to yourself in fear as the memory of him killing your father flashed threw your mind.

As if knowing you figured out who he was a mocking smirk formed on his face before he turned back to Jamie and Isabel.

'This is bad. I need to get out of here now!' You thought in alarm as you quickly got off the bed.

Your eyes frantically scanned the room before landing on the dresser.

'I can block the door with that while I try to escape.' You thought as you grabbed onto the dresser and began dragging it to the door. Once it was up against the door you looked around the room once again.

'I can't just escape into the forest without any supplies though...I'll die if I do that...maybe there is a bag or something I can use to carry supplies in.' You thought to yourself as you quickly walked over to the chest in front of the bed.

You flipped it open to see makeup scattered around with old school books and blankets. You threw the items out onto the floor to see if there was anything else at the bottom.

Seeing three old school backpacks squished at the bottom of the chest caused a grateful smile to form on your face.

'This will work.' You thought to yourself as you pulled the dark blue backpack out of the chest before standing up. You then grabbed one of small blankets you had thrown out of the chest and stuffed it into the backpack.

Quickly turning around you rushed back over to the dresser that was now lying sideways in front of the door. Luckily the side of the dresser that had the drawers on it was facing you so you could still get to the clothes.

It was a bit of a struggle to open the drawers but you finally managed to get them opened. Once they were opened you quickly searched threw them for plain colored clothing.

Seeing a dull, dark yellow jacket among the clothing you grabbed it and quickly put it on. You then stuffed three shirts and two pairs of jean into the backpack.

After that you quickly stood up and ran over to the bed where your purse was lying on the ground. Swiftly empty the contents of your purse into the backpack you spared a glance out the window.

'Good. They're still talking.' You thought to yourself as you saw them still standing in the same spot speaking.

Turning away from the window you quickly rushed over to the bathroom. Reaching the bathroom you crouched down and began looking threw the cabinets. Seeing a small first aid kit amongst the bars of soap caused a thankful grin to spread across your face.

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