The Diner

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You sighed quietly as you slowly walked down a sidewalk near some town homes. You had arrived in Tulare the night before and had been walking threw the city since then. You were at a lose of what to do now that you were out of any immediate danger.

You did always have the option of traveling to your aunts house. She only lived a state over and you knew she and her family would be more than willing to help you out.

After thinking it over though you decided against it. You didn't want to get them involved. You couldn't bare to lose anymore of your family so you just decided on moving to a different place in California instead of involving them.

You mainly wanted to go a different place because of the man you saw at the gas station before you hitched a ride. Something about him was a bit off and you were worried he had heard the old couple's conversation about going to Tulare. Considering this possibility all you currently wanted to do was find a bus station and move onto a different place.

Speaking of which you had been wondering around in search of a bus station for a few hours now but had yet to find one. It was beginning to annoy you but you pushed on—determined to find one no matter how long it took.

Finally, after around 30 more minutes of looking you spotted a bus station. Smiling gratefully at this you began walking towards the station. Once reaching it you approached the ticket booth and asked the worker about bus times. Getting the information you needed you bought a one way bus ticket to a large town in Riverside county called Waldonfield.

You'd never heard of the town but you didn't really care at the moment so you just handed the worker the money before taking your ticket. You then walked over to the group of people waiting for the next bus. None of them paid you any mind and you simply hung near the back of the crowd until the bus arrived.

Once the bus arrived you quickly stepped inside and made your way to an empty seat in the back. After setting down you silently watched as people began piling onto the bus. Soon the last person sat down and the bus driver began driving.

Around three and half hours later the bus finally made it to Waldonfield. The bus station the bus stopped at was somewhat crowded but you were able to get through the crowd with minimal effort. Once you got out of the crowd you began walking down the street as you tried to think of what to do next.

'Since I'll be hiding out here for a while I should probably find a place to live and a job...but where am I going to find that?' You thought as you walked down the street.

'Maybe I can find a library with a computer I can use...' You then thought as you began looking around in search of a library.

You didn't see anything that would direct you towards a library but you did see a rundown looking diner.

'Maybe if I order some food there one of the servers will be willing to point me towards a library.' You thought as you slowly made your way towards the diner.

The door to the diner opened with a loud creak as you stepped inside the small building. Cringing at the sound you glanced around a noticed several people setting at some tables. They all stared at you for a few moments before looking away and quietly whispering to each other.

Instantly feeling insecure by their actions you began to shift uncomfortably. You knew you probably looked like a mess but it wasn't really your fault. You had been too busy trying to get away from your parents murders and the masked men to really care about your appearance.

Sighing a bit you slowly walked over to one of the empty tables by the window and took a seat. After setting down you picked up a menu from the menu holder on the end of the table and began looking threw it.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2019 ⏰

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