Maps and Rude People

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You awoke at the break of dawn to the sound of birds chirping. Slowly sticking your head out of your shelter you glanced around.

Not seeing anyone around, you pulled yourself out of the shelter. You then began to stretch out your stiff body before turning to your backpack. Opening it up you began searching though it for the first aid bag.

Seeing the first aid bag you pulled it out. Unzipping the red bag you looked threw it's contents. There was antibiotic ointment, disinfectant spray, bug bite ointment, bandaids, gloves, tweezers, scissors, Tylenol, gauze bandage rolls, non stick bandaids, and a lighter.

After looking over the contents of the bag you took your jacket off and rolled the left sleeve of your shirt up. You then unwrapped the bandage around your arm and took the nonstick bandaid off.

The stitches in your arm still looked alright and didn't show any sign of infection much to your relief. You wanted to keep your arm that way so you began to clean and dress the wound.

First you put a glove on one of your hands before using your gloved hand to put the antibiotic ointment on. You then put a nonstick bandage over the stitches before wrapping your arm with gauze bandage roll.

Once finished with that you took your glove off and put it back into your backpack. You then sprayed the disinfectant spray on the scraps on your hands and the other cuts on your body.

After that you put all the medical supplies back in the first aid bag and zipped it up before putting it in your backpack. You then folded your blanket and placed it in your backpack before zipping it shut.

Putting your jacket back on you zipped it up before slinging your backpack around your shoulders. You then turned away from your shelter and began walking towards the stream. Reaching the stream you crouched down and began drinking from it.

Your drinking momentarily halted as you heard a twig snap a little ways up stream. Turning your head towards the sound you watched as two women came out of the trees.

You stayed completely still in hopes that they wouldn't notice you. However, that didn't work out for you and as soon as they saw you they froze.

They stayed silent for a few moments before one of the women spoke. The women who spoke had long black hair.

"Umm hello there...We're sorry to disturb you... we didn't know someone else was going to be camping in this area." The women said.

'So they think I'm a camper... hmm they don't seem to recognize me from the news so they must not know... regardless of them not knowing it would probably be safer to play along.' You thought while standing up.

"Yes... I was camping near this area before my tent was attacked by a wild animal. In the attack I lost my map. Do you think you two could point me in the direction of a road so I can find my way back to town?" You lied while offering them a small friendly smile.

"Oh that's terrible!" The other woman said with a sympathetic frown forming on her face. She also had long hair but her hair was dyed dark purple.

"Well that explains why you look so rough...Anyways yea, we can point you in the right direction." The woman with black hair added after the girl with purple hair spoke.

"Yea...Thank you." You spoke softly as you walked over to the two women.

"No problem." The woman with black hair spoke while pulling a map out of her pocket. She then opened it and looked over it for a few minutes before speaking again.

"If you follow this trail which is just a little ways from here it will lead you to a road into town." The woman spoke while pointing at the map before pointing in the direction of the trail in the forest.

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