War and Love

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Laurent's Pov:

I was with Deon at the check-in desk. I payed for a platinum suite for all three of us. We get up to our room. It was beautiful. I couldn't wait for Larry to get here so he could see it.

Larry's Pov:

"So how have you been?" Kevin said still puffing smoke. "Alright" I say sitting stiffly. "C'mon relax Larry. Your practically family here" He says hitting my back. Kevin and me had a past I never discussed with anyone only Laurent. Kevin was a ghetto mobster drug manufacturer and playboy. I got mixed up with him back in high school when I didn't know any better. I made a promise to help him with anything as long as he didn't hurt my family. I just thought he had forgotten about it after all these years. "What do you want me to do? I say gulping. He smirked. "A couple of things. Not anything illegal of you asked me. Just don't screw them up and you'll be fine." He says pulling out an envelope. I took it. I didn't realise my hand was shaking like a leaf. I knew this was completely crazy. But I didn't have a choice. "Don't open it here okay?" He says looking at me sharply. I nodded. I get uo when he grabbed my arm. "And I hope your brother stays out of the way. You wouldn't want to Les Twin"

Laurent's Pov:

It was 9pm and me and Deon were enjoying some garl and parmesan pizza. I actually enjoyed being around him he was pretty funny if you asked me. I noticed he had a tattoo on his neck since he had his dreads in a ponytail. It was a tattoo with cursive writing. 'Trust no one. But yourself'. I caught myself just staring at him. He then noticed. "What?" He chuckled. "Oh nothing...I..." There then was a knock on the door. I get up to answer it. It was Larry. "Oh hey. What were you up to?" I say hugging him. "Ah just seeing a couple of old friends from high school" He says putting his bag on the floor. "And you didn't bring me along" I say playfully punching me. "Uh sorry" He says. I wanted to ask what he did there but didn't bother him. We sat down and continued to eat.

It was late and we all were tired. I was laying my head on Larry's shoulder as Deon went to the other room. I looked up at him biting my lip. He looked back smiling. We both kissed each other at the same time. I rolled ontop of him kissing him more. I felt his hand go up my shirt rubbing my chest. I slightly bit his lip. He moaned a little the pulled away. He reached in his pocket and pulled out a condom. He then rolled me over getting ontop of me.

Larry's Pov:

It was really late and I couldn't stop thinking about what happened. I quietly get up and grab my bag going to the bathroom. I take the envelope and open it. "What have I gotten myself into"

~Yeah I'm updating again today. I have so many new ideas for this book. So like vote comment. <(^-^<)~


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