This Is Seriously Happening

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Larry's Pov:

I take the envelope and pull out a piece of paper I see.

"Drop Off List"

It was a numbered list if things to drop off to Kevin. I rubbed my forehead as I look at the list. "Kitty Johnson (Works at Vanilla Unicorn).......Chromed Lamborghini (Address: 230 Hatfield dr.)........" How do I do this without being killed?

I sighed and decided to go to this club or strip club and look for this girl. I quickly and quietly got dressef and went out the room. I asked the driver to drop off a car for me.

I drove up to the club. It was luckily still open. I walk in looking around. There were girls everywhere. I went to a bartender and asked for the girl giving her the name. She yhen pointed. Of course it was the girl surrounded by the most guys. I walk through the crowd getting in front. I tried calling out to her. She was to busy dancing on that pole to listen to me. I then whistled pulling out two hundred dollars. She looked at me. I signaled her to obe of the private rooms. She took the money walking off the stage and took my hand.

Laurent's Pov:

He was gone again? I woke up and he wasn't in bed or in the bathroom. I checked Deon's room. He wasn't there. I got more worried then suspicious. I texted him instead of calling him. Deon soon woke up and came in my our room. "Man I'm hungry..." Be yawned. "For what pizza?" I joked. "Man it's almost 11am to early for all that" He said with disdain. "Where's Larry?" He then asked. You tell me.

Larry's Pov:

"I didn't come back here for sex or anything" I say pulling my pants back up. She then looked at me confused and a bit angry. "Look I need to take you to someone or it's my ass" I plead. "Que?" She says. Great she doesn't know English. And I barely knew Spanish. "Uh porfavor venir commigo" I managed to say. She thinks then holds her hand out. I sigh pulling out another hundred. She still held here hand out. So I pulled out two hundred.

I drove up to Kevins house. Once she saw where we were she starts freaking out. " ¿!Me estás tomando a ese hijo de puta Kevin" She tried hitting me. She bopped me in the lip. I then got out the car and went to her side. She tried to lock the door but I got her out.

I took her inside the house and upstairs to Kevin. He was eating pistachios and opening them with a knife. Man I hate pistachios. He noticed me and smiled. "Well well. Looks like you went ahead and did it. I'm impressed." He winked at the girl. She then spat on his shoe. "Larry you can go. And here" He tossed rolled up bills at me. I let her go and caught it. I leave out the room. I jump when I here a loud smack and shouting.

Laurent's Pov:

I was about to start looking for Larry when the door opened. It was Larry. He had a bag. "Um you guys hungry?" He asked. Me and Deon said yes. He handed us the bag. Well thank god it was just for food. I was pretty relieved. Larry went and sat down rubbing his head. "You ok" I went and sat next to him. He nodded laying back.

~That was sn experience. I know I need some romance in this book tho. And I have a good idea. Like vote comment. <(^-^<)~


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