Chapter 3: Mass Message

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Larry's Pov:

"Our whole family? You telling all of them?" I gulped. "Yes hun. And if you can tell me you can tell your brothers and sisters." She packs my stuff. "Laurent are you ok with this? I look at him. He was smiling and spinning in the chair staring at the ring. I just shook my head smiling. My mom theb hands me the suit case. "So let's go..." She starts walking but I stopped her. "Ma. What if they you know. Don't agree?" I say. "So can we jusy send e-mails or something. To see what they think?" I suggested. She sighed and nodded.

I sent messages to everyone in our family. "Hey Family,

So there is a big event coming up. That's right. A marriage. Larry and Laurent are getting married. So reply to see what yoi think." I hesitate to press mass send.

"To who?" "Call me please!!!" "Who are the two lucky ladies?" "Is this some stupid joke."."To each other??!!" "Are they gay?" "........"

I looked at all the replies. I sighed heavily. Laurent came over snd looked at the laptop. "Well that doesn't even look half positive..." He scrolled through the e-mails. "I knew this wasn't gonna be something our family wanted." I almost start crying. Laurent then closed the laptop. "Babe look. Gay marriage is something that everyone would be shocked by if it happened in their family." He rubs my back. "I guess you're right." I get up. Laurent then smiles kissing me. I kiss back putting ny arms around him. He then pulls me closer to him. We kissed more..He started walking backwards and I followed without breaking the kiss. He then sat down on the bed. I smiled down at him. He then started to undo my belt. I lift his chim up and kissed him one more time.

It was a couple of hours later. I sat up in bed still feeling a little upset. I look to Laurent who start to wake up. "Mmm babe I'm hungry. " He layed closer to me. "Did someone say hungry- Oh god!" My Ma comes in then shields her eyes. I quickly look down and saw we didn't have any sheets over us. "Mama leave!" We both grabbed pillows to cover ourselves. She then ran out the room. I sighed. "We need to start locking the door more." Laurent says cuddling up to me.

~Hey guys. So I've recently started a co-write with someone who is now a real good friend of mine. The stories called Démon Supérieur. We'd both appreciated if you checked it out. And make sure to vote and comment for both stories on each of our profiles @LaLa_LesTwins & @LesTwinsPeace_Alex. Like vote comment. <(^-^<)

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