What The Hell Man

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Laurent's Pov:

I felt like shit that Deon left. But it seemed like he planned on that. I just hoped wasn't hurt. Larry seemed more upset then I was.

We were out at a dinner trying tp spend some time together. Larry sat back and didn't even touch his drink. The lady came over and asked us what we ordered. I then asked for specials. "Pie with ice cream. Chicken and waffles. Pizz-" "Ooohhhhh. Deon loved pizza?" Larry started crying. "Really man?" I say. He sobbed shaking his hand. I sighed and asked for pie and ice cream. "I want pizza!" Larry shouted. I apologized to thr waitress then she walked off. " It's not that serious Larry." I say trying to calm him down. "Deon left us because he didn't feel like he belonged." He implied. "You don't know that...." I say. He just sobs.

I gave Larry the pie so he could he eat his feelings and get over it. I sat back and looked at my phone. I got an unknown message.

'Is your room clean?'

I was confused. I ignored it and then continued to eat my pie. Larry somewhat cheered up as he ate the last slice of pizza. I felt kinda full and asked for a check.

We got to the hotel. While in the hotel we saw someone rushing out the hotel and got in a car which sped off. We go up to our room. I unlocked the door and and turned the light on. The room was trashed completely. The bed was upside down. Our clothes were everywhere. I walked in in complete shock. "What the hell!" I shout. "Who.....who did this." Larry asaid walking around.

The hotel manager payed us with ftee room service and had a maid clean up. I was pacing back and forth and thinking of who did this. I remembered the message and thought about Kevin instantly. Shit, I knew he was gonna come after us. I started to freak. I needed to tell Larry but I knew he'd freak to.

While walking around the room Larry sat on the bed sobbing. "Now why are you crying?" I asked him. " Deon probably did this to show he hates us!"

~I know the story might seem a little slow. I just have prepare for school. Sorry guys. Like vote comment.<(^-^<)~


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