Why Am I Here

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Laurent's Pov:

I got out of bed and went to take a shower. I gor into the shower and turned it on. Surprisingly it was already hot. And that woke me up good.

I was about to get out when I felt two hands go over my chest. Then kisses on my shoulder and back. I look over my shoulder and see Deon. I quickly turn around and push him away. "I really don't that this is a smart thing to do..." I say to him. "Why?" He said knowing the obvious reason. "Come on Deon. You know." I say. "But before you knew you still wanted to." He said under his breath. I sigh rubbing my face. "It's not that I dislike you now. I just......" I couldn't think of anything else to say. I looked at his body. Once he noticed he quickly stepped out and took a towel. "Why am I even here?" I hear him say as he left out. I then step out grabbing a towel to see Larry standing  in the bathroom. "Well that didn't work....." He says walk out. "Wait you wanted him to go in there with me?" I ask grabbing his arm. "Yes I did." He moved his arm. "Why?" He then rolled his eyes. "You know he's a virgin right? And you just did what other guys and girls done to him" He says walking out. "Then why didn't you do it" I ask with disdain. "I was but since you two already hit it off I thought I'd give you the honor." He then left out.

I stood in the bathroom thinking for a while. I decided to go ahead and do it. I got up and went out the bathroom to his room. I was about to knock when I heard moans. I listened closely. "Oh god yes Larry....."came from Deon. I knew he was fucking Deon and that made me feel like a total asshole. I went and sat down. I looked over at my tablet. I picked it up and opened it and took out headphones.

Larry's Pov:

I lifted Deon off of me as we were both breathing hard. I know Laurent heard us. I sat up about to say something. But Deon instantly fell asleep. I kissed his forehead and pulled my shorts back on. I got up and left out. I see Laurent and he was wearing headphones. I walk over to him and kissed his cheek. He then gave me a fuck off look. I grinned and sat on the bed.

A little bit later I was feeling a really hungry. I asked Laurent if he was hungry. He just gave a cold look. I smiled knowing it was a yes. I got up to go to Deon's room to see if he was hungry. He opened the door before I could. I look down and saw him holding a suit case with a bag. "What's this?" I ask. Laurent then got up and went to the door. "I'm leaving" Deon said with a slight smile. "What why?" Me and Laurent say. "I just wanna go back home you know ...." He said turning his room light off. Me and Laurent looked at each other thinking it was our fault. He walked between us and leaving out the hotel room.

~Aww Deon's gone. Or is he? >:). Hehe. So like vote comment. <(^-^<)~


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