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Hermione: Harry? Why did Ron just come out of your dorm wondering why you squealed?

Harry: No reason.

Hermione: Harry James Potter, there is a reason.

Harry: You wouldn't like it.

Hermione: Try me.

Harry: I became friends with Draco.

Hermione: As in Malfoy?

Harry: The one and only.

Hermione: Okay, that's great!

Harry: Really?

Hermione: Yeah, because now you guys will finally realize your feelings for each other!

Harry: What do you mean?

Hermione: It's obvious that you guys like each other.

Harry: I don't like Draco like that.

Hermione: Mhmmm...

Harry: 'Mione, I'm not gay.

Hermione: Bi?

Harry: Nope.

Hermione: Pansexual?

Harry: No.

Hermione: Omnisexual?

Harry: What?

Hermione: Polysexual?

Harry: Hermione! I don't even know what some of those mean. Besides, I'm straight.

Hermione: Yeah, sure.

Hermione: Whatever you say...

Harry: You're impossible.

Hermione: Everything is possible.

Harry: ...

Hermione: Why won't you just admit that you like Malfoy?!

Harry: Because I'm straight.

Hermione: Tell that to your first year crush on Oliver Wood.

Harry: How-

Hermione: Or your second year crush on young Tom Riddle.

Harry: I didn't!

Hermione: Fourth year crush on Cedric Diggory.

Harry: 'Mione!

Hermione: And last but not least, your crush on Draco Malfoy which is still strong.

Harry: I'm straight!

Hermione: Right, and I'm dating Ron.

Harry: But you are...?

Hermione: Nah, we broke up.

Harry: Why didn't I know about this?

Hermione: Because when we told you you were staring at Malfoy.

Harry: I don't stare at Draco! I was probably just spacing out.

Hermione: Sure you were.

Harry: H E R M I O N E

Hermione: H A R R Y , S T R A I G H T P E O P L E D O N T T A L K L I K E T H I S

Harry: I'm not gay! I'm just annoyed!

Hermione: I'm just stating F A C T S

Harry: Your facts are wrong.

Hermione: A gaydar is never wrong.

Harry: Wait... What?

Harry: Your gaydar??????

Harry: Are you gay????

Hermione: Yep!

Hermione: And I've been dating Pansy for about three months.

Harry: fjalfhgjakfjak

Hermione: Hey, Harry...

Harry: What?

Hermione: Your gay is showing through your texts.

Harry: I'm not gay!

Hermione: Whatever helps you sleep at night.

Harry: Whatever.

Hermione: Just come on, we have to get to breakfast.

Harry: Fine.

Hermione: Oh, and Harry?

Harry: Yeah?

Hermione: Ron just informed me that you squealed in the middle of the night...

Harry: That's when we became friends.

Hermione: Yeah, sure. The middle of the night is when people do the frick frack.

Harry: Who squeals during sex?

Hermione: I'm sure there are some people.

Harry: Ugh!

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