Trish tells the others about Dylan

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Trish's POV

I have to tell Lita, Matt and Jeff about Dylan and how he was towards me.

Trish: Dylan use to be my boyfriend in high school going into college but in high school he asked me out at the start of year 11 and at the start he was such a sweetheart I was happy and I thought he was happy but...

Lita: but?

Trish: he wasn't because in college he abused me I have scars to prove it even when people didn't believe me he carried on abusing me I thought I had got away from him when I broke up with him and moved away but it didn't work he abused me even more. When I graduated I moved here and I am surprised that he found me again. I was happy when I left but now that he is here I am never gonna be the same.

I nearly cried someone then placed their hand on my shoulder but I shrugged their hand off me.

Trish: please don't touch me

Jeff: Trish I'll protect you

Matt: you mean we will protect her

Jeff: yeah I mean we

Trish: *small smile* I need some time alone

Jeff: are you sure?

Trish: *nods*

They walked out of the room and Jeff closed the door I sighed and sat down why does he have to come now? I was doing fine now I am gonna be that same girl I was when I was dating him scared, feeling alone, feeling isolated, being scared of being hit.

End of POV

Lita's PoV

Poor Trish how dare he hurt my best friend I will kill him next time I see him and so will the boys.

Jeff: when I next see him I will kill him

Lita & Matt: we won't stop you

Lita: besides I will kill him as well how dare he hurt our best friend.

???: you talking about me?

We turned around and saw Dylan I looked at Jeff and he had the 'I wanna kill you' expression written on his face but Dylan just smirked.

Dylan: I see Trish told you about our relationship?

Lita: yeah

Jeff: I'm gonna kill you

Dylan: good luck

Matt: Jeff not here

Jeff: he hurt Trish and I wanna kill him for it

Dylan: you won't hurt me

Matt had to hold Jeff back and then Dylan walked away laughing.

Jeff: I hate that guy

Lita: don't worry we will keep him away from Trish any way we can

Matt: yeah

End of POV

Trish's PoV

I am still in my locker room and I just don't feel like talking to anyone I just can't believe he's back.

I heard a knock on the door.

???: Trish are you okay?

It's Jeff I want to be alone but I want someone next to me.

Trish: come in

Jeff walked in and when he saw me he walked over to me and sat next to me.

Jeff: come here

I leaned closer to Jeff and he wrapped his arms around me like a hug and I rested my head on his chest.

Trish: thank you Jeff

Jeff: for what?

Trish: helping me

Jeff: we will always help you Trish

Trish: thank you Jeff I don't know what I would do without you or the others

Jeff: no problem I won't have him hurting my best friend

He is so sweet.

Trish: I don't get why he is back

Jeff: if you want to stay with me you can

Trish: what if you have a match or I have a match

Jeff: well when I have a match you can come down to the ring with me and Matt and Lita if you want and when you have a match I'll go down to the ring with you.

Trish: thank you Jeff

Jeff: *smiles*

We were talking and Jeff was telling me how much he will protect me and he doesn't care what happens to him but I objected I won't have him getting hurt because of me.

Jeff: i don't care if I get hurt all I care about is you and your safety

Trish: Jeff I won't have you getting hurt because of me

Jeff: I don't care Trish all I care about is you and I don't want to see you hurt it hurts to see my best friend hurt or upset.

Trish: Jeff you're so sweet but I don't want you getting hurt especially if I am the reason.

The door then opened me and Jeff moved away because we know what will happen if Lita and Matt saw they will think that we are dating when we're only friends.

Matt: are you okay Trish?

Trish: *nods* I'm better

Lita: we won't let him go near you and if he even tries you have Matt and Jeff to protect you as well as me.

Trish: *smiles* thank you but I don't want you getting hurt especially if I was the reason

Jeff: don't worry about us Trish

Trish: but I do worry about you Jeff you're my best friends

Jeff: *smiles*

Lita: we'll be fine Trish

Trish: but?

Matt: Trish we'll be fine it's you who we care about

Lita: well we care about each other but mostly you when Dylan is around

Jeff: if Trish wants she can stay by my side even when I'm in a match

Matt: Jeff that's taking it a little too far

Trish: Matt agrees

Matt: but it's not a bad idea we could go down to the ring as well so if you have a match I could go down to the ring with you and Trish.

Lita: I'll try to be at commentary

Trish: but....

Jeff: great because I have a match next

Matt: let's go

Trish: what....

Lita: Trish please we're looking out for you

Trish: I know

Lita pulled me with the guys we waited outside of the Hardyz locker room and when Jeff was ready he headed to the curtain.

End of POV

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