Trish is in the hospital

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Jeff's POV

I texted Matt to let him know that Trish is in the hospital and I know that he will tell the others.

I was in the waiting room I hope Trish is gonna be okay I can't bear to see her hurt. I had a text off Lita.


Hey Jeff me and the others are on our way

From Lita

I put my phone back in my pocket then I looked out of the window and saw nothing just cars going by.

After 15 minutes

I heard the door open and I felt someone next to me I faced the person it was Matt he gave a small smile I returned it.

Matt: hey

Jeff: hey

Lita: we came as fast we could

I nodded.

Ashley: has anyone told you anything?

Jeff: no and I'm worried

Lita: we all are

John: *nods in agreement*

Then a doctor came he had a sad expression on his face.

Doctor: are you here for Trish Stratus?

We all nodded.

Doctor: I'm sorry I have to say this but Trish has gone into a coma and we don't know when she will wake up but she has also lost her memory.

Lita: can we go see her?

Doctor: you may room 293

We nodded and made our way to Trish's room.

Outside Trish's hospital room

We were all outside.

Lita: I'll go in first

Jeff: but?

Lita: Jeff I know you're her best friend and so am I but I know Trish and if you see her at this time it might break your heart.

I slowly nodded they still think I have a crush on Trish when I don't we're just really close that doesn't mean I like her .... does it? No I can't like my best friend in that way we're friends and if we ever did go out it would be awkward.

Matt: Jeff?

I snapped out of my thoughts to look at Matt he had a worried expression written on his face.

Matt: are you okay bro?

Jeff: umm yeah

John: we don't believe you Jeff

I sighed I can never win with these they will always say the same thing.

Ashley: Jeff we know it's hard it is for all of us

Matt: we also know that you like Trish

Told ya they would instantly say that.

Jeff: we're friends

John: sure

Jeff: we're just really close

Ashley: sure

End of POV

Lita's PoV

I walked into Trish hospital room and saw she was pale and she had a cut on her lip, forehead and cheek I could also see a few bruises what happened? I wish she could tell me right now I sighed and sat down.

Lita: Trish we miss you a lot please wake up

I then stood up and opened the door the others saw me.

Matt: how is she?

Lita: I think you should look

As soon as I said that Jeff was instantly in the room followed by Matt, then Ashley and finally John.

Jeff: I am gonna kill whoever did this to Trish

Lita: we will back you up

Ashley: yeah

Matt: I won't even stop you

John: neither will I

Lita: when she wakes up keep her away from Dylan

Ashley: *nods*

Matt: and Jeff ex Isabelle

John: and the snobby divas like....

Ashley: Maria

Lita: Tori

Ashley: Terri

Lita: Melina

Ashley: Mickie

Matt: how many snobby divas are there?

Lita: a few but the names we just said are pretty much bitch talkers as well

John: what's a bitch talker?

Lita: where a diva is talking shit about someone else behind their back

Matt: oh

Ashley: yeah

Jeff: guys seriously

Lita: okay sorry

Jeff: *sighs* no I'm sorry I am just worried

Lita: *walks up to Jeff and places a hand on his shoulder* we're worried as well

Jeff: I want to know who did this

Lita: we will find out soon

Matt: yeah

Ashley: they will pay for what they did to our best friend

John: I wonder...

Lita: what?

John walked towards Trish and he saw the marks on the face and I noticed some on her neck.

John: I can tell a guy ambushed Trish

Jeff: how?

John: if you look closely you can see a massive bruise forming on a handprint which is big enough for a guys hand so either someone from the locker room attacked Trish or Dylan came backstage and attacked her.

Ashley: if it is a male wrestler how do you know who did it

Lita: that's the thing we don't know

John: me, Matt and Jeff will help

Jeff: you mean you and Matt will I'm staying here when you find out who attacked her

John: Jeff

Jeff: no I'm staying here that's final I promised her that I would be by her side no matter what

Lita: she won't remember any of that

Jeff: I still don't care I will always protect her doesn't matter what comes our way and I won't break that promise. 

Matt: *whispers to Lita* he loves her

Jeff: *heard* we are only friends Matt

Matt: *rolls eyes* come on we're gonna get a drink

Jeff: you can go get me one 

Matt: sure

We walked out of the room.

End of POV

Jeff's POV

I stayed by Trish's side.

Jeff: Trish please wake up and I really hope that you remember me and the others I miss you and so do the others.

I sighed I hope that she wakes up soon.

End of POV

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