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I look up to see my nemesis, nothing was sunny or happy about him. I can barely see him as he is sitting in a chair away from me, staring at the fire.  I look around for a quick exit if it will be necessary, but knowing him, I know it will be. The room is cold and there are electronics everywhere. Dark purples and greens along with mostly black cold floors, they seem to be the theme, as it is the main colors of the whole room. There is a big device that I cannot yet see because it is covered by a white cloth and it sits in the corner of the room facing the terrace. Hmm, the terrace. I could always jump out and just use my parachute to get down. 

Suddenly I hear his voice, his voice that is like nails to a chock board, his voice that is high as a screeching cat and is as deep as a roaring river falling to create a waterfall. Not majestic but loud. I wonder, will I never get rid of his high pitched voice? Or will this battle never end? Will I always be derailing his evil plans, just for him to come up with another invention as we play the game of mouse and cat every day. What is the point? Is there one? What is life? 

He puts his hand up and shows a remote with a single red button on it, as he pushes it a cage comes straight down for me. I am trapped. I go up against the bars holding them as I wonder how to get out of here. He turns around and he is petting a little furry cat with a single pink bow on its head and I see him. His triangle face and his laboratory coat paired with a black shirt and pants. The little kitty is fluffy and has the biggest eyes. "So Perry the Platypus, nice to have you back. Look at my new pet, her name is Dots. Isn't she adorable?" "I mean I just saw her and I said, we belong together me and Dots. I named her Dots because I thought it was a cute name. What do you think Perry?"  

"PppuuUurrRrrr" Is what I say. This isn't one of his better cages, though none of them are really good. I've been in one just like this before, I'll just get out my laser pen from underneath my fedora and remove the bars then kick him in his triangle face while he's going on about his evil speech and taking over the world, then I will blow up the machine and jump off the terrace. By this time  Doofenshmirtz is already half done talking about his plan to revert pigeons back to pigeons because Regined killed all of them and replaced them with spies, in Doof's words, "They work for the bourgeoisie."  He goes on removing the cloth from the ernator that is shaped like a pigeon, with the beak being where the ray comes out of. "Introducing the pigeonanator!" I stare at it, a blank expression on my face. "So what do you think?" All I say is, "PpuuurrRrr" he then looks at me dumbfounded, "Oh really, oh okay" Then at that moment I can tell he's going to continue talking some more so while he's busy I enact my plan and take the laser from under my hat and begin drawing a square for me to get out of. 

The bars come off easily and they fall to the ground, he turns to face me and I kick him in the face causing him to fall backward, "Ow Perry the Platypus, that hurt." He holds his face with his hands and I start running toward the machine, "No the pigeons!" I hit the self destruct button and jump out of the terrace, my parachute opening and all I hear is "CURSE YOU PERRY THE PLATYPUS!!!!" 


Did you guess if it was Perry the Platypus and Dr.doofenshmirtz in the begging? Extra points to you if you did manage to guess it before I announced it. And also what did you guys think about my story? I hoped you liked it, I liked writing it! I love the show it is my childhood. And if you haven't watched it, it's called Phineas and Ferb, go check it out!

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