Why couldn't it have been a Sheild!?

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It was time, my heart beats as I start to open the beautifully wrapped gift with gold paper that had that magical effect to it. I look inside the box and see it... "Jerry, what the hell am I looking at?!" Jerry comes next to me and also looks in the box. "Umm, I think it's a watch..." he says as he pulls out an old-looking kind of pocket watch. "WHAT THE HELL AM I GONNA DO WITH A WATCH JERRY?!!?" Disappointment and surprise in my voice. He looks at me with alarm and confusion written on his face "HOW THE HELL AM I SUPPOSED TO KNOW PENNY!?! IM NOT A  GENIUS!" He yells as he throws his hands up in an 'I give up' motion. I look away from him and to the box "Obviously," I mummer. Yea sure I wasn't a genius either but Jerry really wasn't. Jerry rolls his eyes and I pick up the watch, suddenly a huge bang pulls my attention to the window where a bullet was flying right in my direction. With no time to react the bullet makes a home in my abdomen as I fall on my back. "Oh, why couldn't it have been a Sheild or anything actually useful!?" I say as everything starts to go dark.

Okay I admit, I'm getting ahead of myself perhaps we should start from the beginning? 


9 hours earlier...

I awake to find my cat Mcfatty laying on my stomach not doing anything like the sloth she is. But I relate since I really don't wanna get up today. I mean why do I have to get up?! I'm officially an adult today, no one can tell me what to do!    I think as I imagine The Rock pumping his fist in the air and shouting yeah! Very motivating. "PENNY GET OUT OF BED RIGHT NOW!! YOU ARE NOT GOING TO BE LATE AGAIN! BUT NOT IF I HAVE ANYTHING TO SAY ABOUT IT!!!" I grown in anger. Really? I couldn't even have a minute. I roll my eyes and grown some more as I reductively get out of bed and made my way to the bathroom. I look at the mirror and take a look at my thin blond hair and pale face. Omg am I a vampire?! I think as I splash water on my face. I decide to get extra pretty today, or maybe just pretty because everyone knows I always look like trash with legs and eyes. But I'm gonna try not to be trashy because today isn't just some any other day, no! It is my 18th birthday! I am officially an adult and you know what that means?!? I am going to get my weapon. Now I know what you thinking, who the hell would trust an 18-year-old with a weapon! (Cough the N.R.A. Cough) And the answer is I don't really know this has just been the thing that happens since like the dawn of times. The history books going back thousands of hundreds of years ago shows that this "tradition" has been going back since the beginning of time apparently. But I don't really trust it, who knows what the government did with our minds and history books. But that's a theory for another time.

I finish washing my face and start to do my hair. Straight? I ask myself.  Yeah straight, like always you unoriginal hoe. I love how I insult myself cause it's very true. So back on this "tradition" thing. Now everyone on their 18th birthday is gifted with a weapon, this is their own weapon, it is very special to them. Now the weapon you get is based on your personality and strengths. Of course, they are all different, always something different for the owners, either it is how heavy the gun is or the design of the gun. Most people get swords, guns, axes you know the ordinary weapons. But the rarer your weapon the more powerful it is. But the more powerful means more deadly in both ways. An example of this is Wolverines claws, and I know what your thinking, but this one guy actually got claws that were attached to things you put on your hands. It was low key awesome

And those are pretty rare so, you see people might want to steal your weapon for its power. But your weapon is stuck to you, like Thor's hammer, just keeps coming back. The only way is for your weapon to be passed on or for the weapon to get a new owner after the original owner has to die. Most weapons get passed down after the owner has died. It's really cool, I'll tell you about it later.

So if word gets out that you have a rare weapon then expect to be shot at a couple times. I finish my hair and turn to my makeup which I do not have a lot of, cause makeup it freaking expensive!!! Like 20 dollars for some counselor, haha yeah nope! Bye bitch! Like yeah, I do have some makeup but not as much as some other girls. So I decided to sneak into my sister's room, who has way more makeup then needed. I go on my tippy toes and push her door open, no one is inside. I hurriedly go to her desk and take some bronzer, (Don't wanna be a vampire forever) and some eyeshadow. I take a couple more things for the heck of it, yeah I know I'm a little thief but hey I'm her sister, it's what we do. " What are you doing?" I hear a voice and I scream shocked by the voice, the person also screams. I turn around and we both continue to scream. Then the person aka my sister yells "OKAY STOP IT!!" And I quit screaming. And I and my sister just stand there looking at each other, her in her bathrobe and me with my scary face. "Yeah, I'm just gonna go now..." I say as I practically ran for the door. "Not so fast," I hear my sister say and I stop in my tracks. I'm right next to the door. So close to freedom I think as my sister leads me away from the door and sits me down on her bed.

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