The Girl With The Golden Eyes

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You must know that she wasn't like anyone else I've ever met. She was a ghost of everything I wanted to be. 

She was down to earth and was a caring, loving person, the perfect person in a perfect love story. When she would look in your eyes you were hypnotized, at first, you would feel uncomfortable, but as you stared back into her golden eyes, you could feel all the negative feelings leave your body, you suddenly felt safe and at home as she gave you a small smile. This is just a thing she did, it was as if she was taking all your negative emotions and giving her positive ones to you. And in a way she always did do this. 

She was constantly putting others over herself and her well being, even if it hurt her. I've tried to tell her to stop, but she would just reply with a small chuckle, would look up at the sky, and say "But as long as the other person is happy, I could never be sad." I've always tried to see the demons in her because no one can be this perfect, and I could tell she was in pain though no matter how much I tried, she would never admit it. I would ask her why she did it, and she would only reply "Look around, look at the world and look at people, I can tell that they're hurting. When you see people and there faces and you find a way to make them smile even with all the sadness and madness the world has to offer," she looks up at the sky and laughs a huge smile on her face, " You can't imagine the feeling, the feeling of helping others, that you, YOU did that, you made someone else's day a little bit better, there's no better feeling in the world." Whenever I would ask her that question the answer would be the same, every, single, time. It was only the last time I asked this question, that I saw a sadness in her eyes. 

We would read together for hours on end, she would always pick the book, usually, a cheesy book or a fairytale that would always end with a happy ending, but I didn't care, I would just listen to her voice, I could never get enough of her voice. One of her hands would go through my hair while the other held the book we were reading that day. I would lay in her lap, just listening to the story and the calmness of her voice. Her voice was silvery, sweet, and strong, and when she read the pages I couldn't help but thinking of how she had so much talent. Talent which was wasted. I always knew she could do great, impossible things, and when I would tell her this she would only reply with, "I already am." I would get angry and say things I know shouldn't have said, "How can you be happy?! Your living at a crappy apartment that's crumbling, and you're barely scraping by!! You're at a dead-end job and your life is going nowhere! You could be doing SO MUCH MORE!!!" I've only seen her cry twice and that was one of the times, "Get out." is all she said, and I did just that. I'm constantly replaying that scene in my head, all the things I could have done differently, what I should have done, and the things I never got the chance to do. 

I shouldn't have been surprised when I heard the news but somehow I was, it all felt like a dream. It was a rainy Wednesday afternoon and I had gotten a message that she wanted to meet me to talk. It was especially chilly that day, even with winter just around the corner, the wind was harsher than ever. I walked to the park with my long black wool jacket which was failing to keep me warm, my light hair getting in my eyes. I sit over at a bench even though it's wet and just look at the autumn leaves, the wind gusting them everywhere in an array of madness. I turn my head and see her. Her elegant form walked towards me, the winds dyed down and it didn't feel chilly anymore, just cold. The leaves found there way close to my feet, sprawled everywhere on the ground in beautiful patterns. She sat right next to me, staring at the trees, I turn to her and she had a look of calm before the storm. She turns to me and tells me the news I would never forget. 

My hands and face were overcome by a cold sweat and I could feel my chest squeeze up. My mouth became dry and I thought I was gonna throw up. It felt like I would die that very second. My head started aching and I couldn't believe what was happening. It was as if you were on a trip with the people you loved most in the world, and as your on the way to the airport, you find out that the flight is going to crash and everyone on board is going to die, you realize that everyone you loved went before you to the airport and were already on the flight and that the flight was about to take off. Your late to get to the airport and there's nothing you can do, all you can do is stand back and watch as everyone you ever loved died in front of you, your helpless, not able to do anything. After she told me the news she looked at me with sorry eyes and kissed me on the cheek. Thunderstruck behind us, and it started pouring, that cold chill came back fiercer than ever. My face was emotionless and I couldn't say anything. I watched as she walked into the rain and didn't look back. I couldn't do anything, I couldn't run or tell her to stay with me, just for another few minutes, I just sat there in the rain, shocked to my core. 

That was the last time anyone ever saw her. 


Hey, hoped everyone liked that,  I based this off on a writing prompt I found on Pinterest.

I'm probably gonna come in at a later date and revise that, I tend to do that. So if you read this again and see that something different, that's because  I changed it.  

Also please give me some reviews on how I can make my writing better, I always want to improve my writing. And also can you guys tell if you liked it, cause I honestly don't know. Okay that's it, thank you very much! 


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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2020 ⏰

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