Chapter 1

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     Warning: There is cussing... Just in case you don't like cussing I figured I'd warn ya ahead of time.

        "Star, hun, I love you but I am not going to see some stupid boy band with you," I shook my head as she pulled on the sleeve of my shirt. 

        "Seriously, I win two tickets to see my favorite band, not boy band btdubs, and you won't even tag along? For me! Please!!" Her blue eyes refused to look anywhere but me, she isn't taking no for an answer but then again she never does. 

        "Fine but under one condition," I grinned, "I get one free pass at an insult to them when I met them!" 

        She rolled her eyes, "Fine but please try to be a little polite, we will be with them backstage and I really don't wanna screw this up!"

        Now it was my turn to roll my eyes, "It's your choice to bring me."

        The sun was almost blinding as it seeped through my window, so I stood up to close the curtains. When I looked out the window my mom was pulling into the driveway, I quickly shut the curtains, "Er, Star I forgot to tell you I'm actually grounded and you aren't supposed to be here and my mom just pulled into the driveway." 

        Her eyes widened, she acts as if I just ran over her pet turtle or something, "Just go hide in my closet."

        She groaned and mummbled something about how inconsiderate I am or whatever but she did as I asked and sat in my closet, closing the door behind her, I could still hear her mummbling though. 

        "Shut up!" I whispered and it became almost silent. I pulled out my laptop and went on Spotify, blasting Crown The Empire to piss off my mother, needless to say I think it worked because when she opened my door she didn't look happy. 

        "Leda, will you please turn that shit off?" I paused my music.

        "Why, mother? Is it too satanic?" I grinned, that's what she calls it. 

        "Ya know, your friend Star's music is much better than yours," and I knew at the mention of Star's music we'd be having an issue. Star does not know how to keep wuiet when-

        "YES!" Came a scream from the closet and there it is, I figured I wouldn't get away with it. 

        I face-palmed and my mother smirked, "You can come out now, Star. See, Leda, I'm not stupid and the only reason you're getting away with this is because it's Star and I think she is a very good influence on you." 

        Star strutted out with a smile on her face, "Thank you second mother, I appreciate it. I tried to tell Leda I shouldn't hide but she wouldn't listen."

        "She never does," My mother replied and they both laughed but I rolled my eyes, they can be so annoying sometimes. 

        "Mom, can you go away please?"

        After she glared for a few moments she smiled at Star, waved, and walked out, leaving my door wide open, "HAVEN'T YOU PEOPLE EVER HEARD OF CLOSING THE GOD DAMN DOOR? NOO!" 

        "STOP SWEARING, LEDA PHOEBE LITTLEBURY!" My door was slammed shut and I heard my mother stomp down the stairs. 

        "Well you two get a long just dandy. Oh and did I mention the concert is tomorrow?" Star plopped onto the bed next to me. 

        I looked over at her, "Well... Alright... I don't have any money at the moment."

        "My mom is paying for all of it, even you, I swear she has never been so happy in her life. I don't know why she was so excited, I really don't see how great these boys could possibly be. As long as she's happy I'm... Pretty much happy. 

        "Well, I'm gonna go talk to your mom about the concert so you don't have to and I will text you about it later, love ya!"

        I simply nodded as she left, playing my music again. Tomorrow oughta be fun.


Okay so sorry this was short I was going to make it longer but I'm really like all over the place and hyper but I wanted to put out something so first chapter, ta-da!

I hope you all like it and the boys will come in next Chapter<3

Love ya lots, 


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