Chapter 5

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        I walked towards the door, knocking and not long after Luke opened the door with a smirk, "Nobody else could make it, sorry dear, seems like it's just us today."

        I glared at him, "Nobody else was coming anyway were they?"        

        "No, I kicked the boys out, so you still wanna hang out?"

        "I have nothing better to do," I rolled my eyes.

        He grabbed my arm and gently pulled me inside and to the living room, "Oh yeah, you look really hot by the way," I smirked and he turned to me with a surprised face. 

        "Y-you... I mean yeah, I know, pfft," He waved his hand, plopping onto the couch, I sat close to him, who says the boy has to always make the first move?

        "You don't look to bad yourself, babe," He smiled at me, his lip ring pulled back with his smile and his dimples formed. I placed my hand in his lap and leaned in, I could see the shock on his face but he smiled.

        "Awh, sweetie, you really think so?" I kissed his cheek. I don't know what I'm doing, really. I would usually be half naked and searching for a condom by now, look I'm not a slut I just don't see why I shouldn't be allowed to have a little fun, if that makes me a slut then fuck it.

        He reached for the remote, his face a light shade of pink and turned on Cartoon Network, awh so cute. 

        "So, how's being an internationally known band member goin' for ya?"

        "Pretty well, I don't understand why people like us, we suck," He shrugged.

        "Yeah, you guys do suck," I smiled and he pouted, I bumped my elbow into him lightly, "Oh come on, it was a joke!" 

        He grinned, "I know!" 

        Around him I felt so much different all the stories say I should feel on edge but with him I felt at ease, he made everything else seem like it was nothing. He made it easy to smile and he made it easy to laugh. I bit my lip and rested my head in his lap, his fingers soon running through my hair. 

        "Ya know, Luke, you're different," I turned to look up at him and he looked down at me.

        "Is that good?" He tilted his head slightly and I thought about it for a moment before a smile spread across my face.

        "Yeah... Yeah I think it is," that put a smile on his face and he was so cute. I'm not used to boys being so caring. They usually just make out with me, use me, and leave. I mean I always let them but it still hurt sometimes knowing I was so easily forgotten but Luke made me feel different. I don't know why but I liked it. Something about his smile was true, not like the others. I could actually make him upset or happy in one word and that made me feel important. I kept looking up at him as he stared at the T.V. trying to find a flaw but as soon as I found something it seemed to become non-existent. The stubble on his face became sexy, the way he always seemed to be frowning was adorable, he seemed to be so into the cartoon he was watching until he looked down at me and I realized he wasn't half as interested in that cartoon. I had only known him for a day and maybe it's the teenage hormones talking or the feeling of wanting to be wanted but I wanted him to stick around for a while. 

        "Do you like cats?" That's the smartest question I could come up with, really?

        "Yeah, they're so cute and fluffy!" 

        "What about the hairless ones?"

        He shrugged, "They can be cute."

        "I think you're gonna be a pretty cool person," But the statement was more for me.

        "Do you like tea?" He asked.

        "Yes, I do indeed," I sat up, a little dizzy but it soon went away.

        "I'm gonna make some, would you like any?"

        "Of course!" He got up and walked to the kitchen and I decided to follow him, pictures hung on the walls of the boys and of their families, random band members from Green Day and All Time Low. 

        "Nice place," I looked at him, a little of his back showing as he reached for the tea but he was so tall he barely needed to reach. 

        When I walked up to him I noticed how much taller he was and I giggled, "You are like a giraffe."

        He rolled his eyes and chuckled, "So I've heard."

        "Hey I'm standing in the famous Calum's naked backside picture spot!" I faked a fangirl squeal and Luke flinched.

        "Please. Don't do that again," But he couldn't hold back his smile.

        "Wow! Luke you're so perfect! I've waited so long to meet you! I love you so much, sign my dog and my purse o and this poster? Will you follow me on Twitter!" 

        "I'm warning you..."

        "Oh my gosh can I touch your hair? You're so h-" His hands met my side and he started tickling me and I gasped and couldn't back my laughter. 

        "FUCK, LUKE, STOP!" 

        "Apologize and promise to quit," I fell to the ground and he went down with me, not stopping the tickling but I didn't want to apologize. 

        "Luke! I swear!"


        With all the strength I had I pushed him off, getting on top of him and pinning his arms down, "I was hoping you'd do that," he winked.

        I rolled my eyes and jumped up, he reached for me but I ran as quickly as I could out of the house and tripped, the water hitting me before I even knew what was happening. When I hit the surface I coughed and my nose hurt, "Fuck."       

        I looked up to see Luke laughing his ass off at me and I then realized I was wearing a white shirt, silently cursing myself again I climbed out of the pool and Luke covered his eyes.

        "Wow, am I really that terrible of a sight?"

        "Oh no, darling I would love to look but I won't until you tell me I can," He smiled, the sun reflecting from his lip piercing. I ran to him and grabbed his arm, pulling with all my strength, "No! No! Don't you-" before he could finish we were both under water and I almost swallowed a mouth full of water from laughing. This time when I came up for air two strong arms wrapped around me and lifted me into the air.

        "Put me down!" I squealed but he threw me over his shoulder, climbing out of the pool. I hit his back and soon he sat me in a chair but before I could escape he had sat on my, stradling me and pinning my hands up. 

        I looked up at him and he was looking at my lips, then back into my eyes, "Mhm?" I questioned, "Do you need something?"

        "C.. May I..?" He bit his lip.

        "What? Sorry, what was that?" I smirked and his lips crashed into mine. 

        When he pulled away I bit my lip, "Yeah, thanks for asking." 

        He blushed and shrugged, "I tried but you were being a smart ass."


        Well, I finally updated!<3

Love ya lots,




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