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It was dark when I opened my eyes. Except for a small light glowing from under the crack of my bedroom door. I hated the dark, so I slowly sat up in my bed to turn on my bedside lamp.

My head started pounding, but I didn't know why. As soon as the lamp clicked on, I saw the asprin laid out with a glass of water.

I couldn't remember anything, but I automatically knew I must've been absolutely wasted.

I downed the pain killers, and painfully swung my legs over the side of my bed. I had no idea what time it was, but I ventured towards the light from under my door. The closer I got, I started to hear voices.

I made my way into the living room to see Calum and Michael sitting on the couch.

"Oh. You're up" Michael said flatly. Calum craned his neck to see me, and he gave a short wave.

"What time is it?" I wondered, joining them.

"Three thirty in the morning" Calum answered.

"Holy shit" I muttered.

"We need to talk Ash" Calum added harshly.

I glanced between their worried faces. Michael hung his head down and Calum looked like the angry dad. I took a deep breath. My head was spinning, and I was starting to get worried about the situation. All I could do though, was sit and listen.

"Do you remember anything Ash?" Calum asked. His stare burned through me.

"No" I told him.

"Well you and Michael were out drunk and wandering the streets" he said disappointedly.

"Luckily you called Luke in time, or else who knows what would've happened"

I heard a heavy sigh from Michael beside me. My heart sunk. Why would we be such idiots? Why would I?

"And as of six o'clock yesterday, it was all over the media" Calum said.

I groaned, running a hand through my horrible bed head. I honestly didn't think it could get any worse.

"But Michael's talking again, so that's good" Calum exclaimed.

"Yeah, I explained everything to Luke and Calum and I don't feel like telling my awful story again" Michael mumbled.

"What?" I asked a bit confused.

"So that brings us to you, Ash" Calum cheered sarcastically. He completely ignored my comment and moved on from it.

I felt my insides twist. If I was drunk, like wasted, did I say something I shouldn't of? Something like... cancer?

"You're twenty Ash, I shouldn't be disciplining you!" Calum cried. His voice rose a little, but Michael and I immediately shushed him.

"You're right, I'm sorry" I began.

"But it's not like you're perfect Calum. You've been drunk before too"

"Shut the hell up Ash. This isn't about me" Calum hissed.

"Besides, I'm not the one looking for your car in a hair salon!"

I rolled my eyes and got up from the couch.

"I'm not done!" Calum cried.

"You're not my mum!" I shot back.

"Jesus Ash! What is wrong with you!?" Calum shouted. I froze in place and carefully turned to face him. I saw Michael groan and cover his head on the couch. I cringed at the pain in my head too.

I'm sorry, okay? /// a.iWhere stories live. Discover now