Chapter 6

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Once Jaime had finally led Arya through the crowd of people, out of the sept and onto the streets of Casterly Rock, he began leading the parade of people to the great hall where the feast had been set up for their breakfast. Jaime felt a squeeze on his hand, which was holding Arya's while it was wrapped around his arm. He looked down at her, still beaming like it was the happiest day of his life, which it most definitely was.

"Yes my love?" He asked her, as she was looking up at him with a confused face.

"Where are we going?" He chuckled, oh she was adorable, surely she knew that you feast after a wedding?

"To the great hall of course, for the feast." She still looked very confused.

"But, it's not dinner time yet." He furrowed his eyebrows at her in confusion as they continued to walk through the streets, amidst crowds of peasant people cheering for them.

"What are you talking about?"

"Feasts are only to be had at dinner time, no matter the time of day of the wedding." Arya said, seemingly very sure of herself. Jaime couldn't help but to chuckle.

"Maybe that is how it is done in the North, but in the South, you feast all day following a wedding, and then the bedding follows dinner, so since we had our wedding at dawn, we will have three feasts today, one for breakfast, lunch, then dinner, and in between we can do whatever we want besides bed each other." He shot a quick wink down at her as she blushed at his bedding comment. She still looked unsure, but seemed to let it go as she let the smile to reemerge on her face and began to walk confidently once again.

"So what are we having for breakfast then?" Arya asked, trying to come up with something to talk about, as it was very silent between the two, and all she could think about was his bedding comment from earlier, and how she wished that rule wasn't a rule, and she desperately needed a distraction.

"Well, I believe father has ordered forty roast pigs, and a couple hundred eggs, and I asked for him to find that pomegranate juice you like so much." Jaime had found himself falling into a daydream about what would occur in their bedding later that night as well, and was relieved Arya had distracted him or there would have been a very visible issue. A few moments later, Jaime and Arya led the group of what had to be at least a thousand people into the great hall where tables were set up in a very similar manner to the welcome feast the Lannister's had thrown for Arya and her host on the day of her arrival, the only difference was, on the raised floor, there was a much smaller table, which looked to only fit two people, and instead of Stark and Lannister banners adorning the walls, there was only the crimson and gold Lannister Lion.

Jaime led Arya over to the small table on the platform, and pulled her chair out for her, once she sat down, he pushed her chair in, and then moved toward his. Before he sat down however he looked around at the people who had not moved beyond the aisle and realized he was supposed to tell them to do so.

"Everyone please take your seats!" With that said Jaime sat down, and held Arya's hand in his left as they watched their guests find their seats, it took a long while as most people were in no hurry and instead chose to talk with one another as they found their seats. Which was fine with the newly married couple, as they had eaten breakfast shortly before the wedding had begun, and the nerves of the day were causing their appetite to wane. During the wait, Jaime motioned for the server, who happened to be the same one who served them at the welcoming feast, to bring Arya a glass of pomegranate juice, and Jaime a glass of wine. When it was delivered they sipped their drinks slowly, still holding hands, and casting glances at each other every so often, which never failed to cause a blush to rise. When everyone was seated Jaime rose again, and cleared his throat so that the guests would stop talking. It took a moment, but as people saw him standing, they shushed their neighbors and eventually everyone was quiet.

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