Chapter 8 - Part 1

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 It had been three days since they had arrived at Harrenhal, and it had been the most relaxed they had been since their wedding night. It was a pleasant change, but it would all change tonight, as the opening feast was to be held in a little under two hours. Arya had spent most of the day in bed, and Jaime had spent his day wandering around their rooms, reading reports from couriers from Casterly Rock on the daily goings on of their home, but spending most of his time waiting on his wife hand and foot.

After they ate lunch the two had taken a nice long bath together, and while Jaime took a nap, Arya called in her ladies to help her get ready for the dinner. Which led to this moment, almost two hours before the feast, with Arya sitting on a chair in front of the vanity while Krystine did her hair, and Jaime sitting on the edge of their bed staring at her.

"What?" Arya asked him, feeling a tad uncomfortable.

"What?" Jaime asked, a smirk growing on his face as he tried to play ignorant. He knew she didn't like it when he stared at her, he just couldn't help it.

"You know what. Why are you staring at me?"

"A man cannot stare at his gorgeous wife? If I had known that rule I wouldn't have gotten married." He felt the smirk on his face grow as her face morphed into a scowl, and he couldn't help but be reminded of a kitten, instead of the lioness she was rumored to be.

"Oh hush Jaime. Would you go pick out my dress? I got stuck between three when I was looking at them earlier." They had been doing this since they discovered that she was pregnant. For some reason, her pregnancy had caused her to get distracted very easily, and made her very unsure of herself whenever she was forced to make a decision. So, Jaime told her that if she narrowed down her choices, whether it was her outfit, her hair, what book she wanted to read, or anything else, he would make the decisions for her. In his mind it was the least he could do, she was growing a human, why couldn't he help her with the simple daily tasks?

"Of course my love." He said without hesitation before rising and proceeding to her wardrobe, that was considerably smaller than the one she had at home, but she and her ladies had made due. After making his choice he turned around and brought it to their bed, which he laid it out on so that it wouldn't wrinkle. After resuming his position on her bed he continued to watch her.

"I'm surprised we haven't seen any of your siblings, I had heard they arrived the day after we did." Jaime said, he had been holding in the question all day, as he didn't want to hurt her feelings, but it confused him, especially after she spoke of how much she loved her siblings. He did notice her shoulders slump a little at his question, and immediately cursed himself for making her upset.

"Yes well, I would assume they are a tad disappointed with me due to whatever Ned reported back to them. He was upset with me when he left, because of how... much my feelings for you had grown, and how unashamed I was to admit them." At this point, Krystine had finished her lady's hair, and feeling an important discussion brewing, she decided it would be best for her to step out for the couple to talk.

"I'll be outside if you need me My Lady." Krystine said softly before pulling away from her lady's hair and walking out the door after receiving a small nod from Arya. Arya was disappointed that her siblings seemed to be upset with her, but Jaime was her husband, why should they be upset that she was able to find love with the person she would spend the rest of her life with?

"Well that is insane, why the hell would they care if you, my wife, have feelings for me, your husband? It is beyond asinine and it make absolutely no sense at all. Do you want me to have words with them love? Because I will, you are mine, and I am yours, and if they have a problem with that well then they can just got rot in the deepest pit of the seven hells." Jaime was furious. He knew that the Lannisters and the Starks had never really gotten on, but they were married for gods sake! Was she supposed to act like a Stark of the North and freeze him out for the rest of her life? What kind of life would that be?

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