Chapter One

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Tyler's POV

All around me my life was falling apart. There was a new disease going around called 'Blurryface.' It was more like something evil taking over people's minds. The world around us was turning dark. Blurryface was the scariest thing since Ebola.

It would start with turning the tip of your fingers black and spreading. Currently there was no cure and professionals had no idea how it was spread. In the end they decided to say the world was finally dying.

No one I loved had got it yet and I was very thankful for that. I made Jenna stay in the house most days. Josh on the other hand was very stubborn. He hated being stuck inside all day. The world didn't look scary to him, but I knew, as his best friend, he was terrified.

He was terrified to lose his family. I couldn't blame him though cause so am I. It seems everything was being taken away too fast and all I wished was that I started a family sooner. Josh wanted to be married.

I was walking down the street to a drug store to grab milk for Jenna. I have to be very cautious to the people around me because now a days with this disease on the lose, we can't trust anybody. I could have drove to get there faster but once I'm gone I won't remember any of this so why not breath it in now. I looked around to see people turning black. It looked like paint in a way cause it was so unnatural. Most people just dragged their feet like zombies.

The weirdest part about blurryface was it was not like zombies at all. People were still alive with thoughts, but they only had one emotion, sadness. It was like dementors from Harry Potter had come to Ohio. The thoughts would get so heavy people would just jump into traffic or shoot themselves.

I walk into the drug store aware that the disease had hit there too. I walked back to the milk and grabbed a gallon.

"Just to be safe, I'll grab two," I say to myself. I didn't want to make another trip out here this week. People frightened me. I didn't want any part of depression. I had my own to deal with already. I wanted control of my mind and body.

Killing myself was something I had to talk myself out of a few times, but I couldn't do that if I was under a spell. I walk up to the counter and set the milk down so the man could scan them.

"Bobby, no!" I hear a woman scream. I turn around to see a kid lying on the floor in a puddle of his own blood. He had an open pack of razor blades laying beside him. It looked like he slit both his wrists. The woman was on her knees next to him screaming. I wanted to stay and help, but I feared for my own family. I paid for the milk and quickly walked out.

I finally reach my house and sprint up the steps. I wanted to be tucked away from the world and its fun. I don't want to go to a store and see a kid so young kill himself. I walk to the kitchen and set one of the gallons in front of Jenna and the other in the fridge.

"Are you alright?" Jenna asks standing up to grab a bowl for her cereal.

"I seen a dead teenage boy at the store. He slit his wrists and just collapsed," I say sitting next to her at our kitchen table.

"This world is scaring me so bad. I'm afraid to go outside to grab the mail," Jenna says shaking her head. I nod because I knew how she felt.

"We are going to die that way, Tyler. We don't live in a movie where people survive. One of my old friends was found today dead in her attic. The worst part is there can be no funerals because the death rate has gone up," I focus on the window that wasn't open. I didn't even want Jenna to open the windows.

"By the way, Josh is upstairs. He was afraid to be at home by himself so he came here to take a shower and lay down." It was crazy to think someone like Josh was afraid to be by himself. But with the worlds current situation, I'm not surprised.

I walk up the stairs and peek into the spare bedroom. Josh was lying toward the wall and all I saw was his back. He looked so peaceful and it made me sad that he couldn't possibly be that peaceful awake. He moves a little then tossed over to face the door. I quickly shut the door and chuckle. Inside there wasn't much to do so I go back downstairs and turn on the news.

"Still no new information on the new disease that's spreading worldwide. People have started to take shelter, but professionals say this may not prevent anything. It could already be inside you. They do say spend as much time as you can with your family because people are dying fast. This has been Tracy, giving you your eight o'clock news," The reporter's fingers were turning black as she held her microphone. You could see the panic spread over her face as the podcast ended.

I decided to switch the tv to Netflix. I needed a new reality to fall into before I die. I decided to watch 'Once Upon A Time.'


Josh finally woke up after three hours. He still looked tired and he had bags under his eyes.

"How'd you sleep?" I ask him, pausing the tv. He smirks.

"Better than I have in a week," he says huffing. I nod and look over to Jenna who was cooking.

"You could probably stay if you want to. We don't mind," I say looking at Jenna. She smiles and nods.

"As long as you eat my food it's okay," she winks at him. Josh hadn't been eating lately since this outbreak happened. His face goes blank and he nods. He also hasn't been very open with me lately so I'm not going to ask him what's wrong. I hit play on the tv and fill Josh in on the last three episodes.

After an hour Jenna had finished cooking. Me, Josh, and Jenna sit down at the table and dig into the food. Jenna had made fried chicken, mashed potatoes, and corn. It tasted so good. I forgot how real food tasted. I look over to Josh and see no food left on his plate. I was a little shocked. I didn't actually think he'd eat. He smirked noticing my stare.

"Jenna said I had to eat to stay," he says looking back down to his plate. She smiled at him and looked to me with a grin. She knew Josh would never disobey her. He respected her too much.

Eventually it was past midnight and Jenna decided it was time for everyone to go to bed. I went to take a shower first so I didn't spell when lying next to her. I stripped down and threw my clothes into a hamper. I stood under the warm water replaying the picture of the boy from the store in my head. A fear spread over me and I felt myself having an anxiety attack.

I felt like I was drowning because I couldn't breath. I wrapped my hands around my throat and gasped for air. After five minutes it was over and I held my hands out. The tips of my fingers were starting to turn black. k

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