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"i found you!"

"oh no! you got me!" you yelled out as the little girl in front of you laughed. you heard the front door open and you looked to the source of the noise. "look! mommy's back!" you said pointing to the door. the little girl turned and lit up when she saw her mom. she quickly ran over to her and engulfed her in a hug. "hi sweetie! did you have fun with y/n?" the mother asked her daughter. she excitedly nodded her head. "yup. we played hide-and-seek, watched movies, baked cookies and look-" she ran over to grab a drawing you two drew together, "we made this! isn't it pretty?" she asked her mom. her mother smiled and nodded her head. "you're such a good artist! this is going right on the fridge" she said as she walked over to grab a magnet.

"well i should get going" you said as you gathered your things. "thank you so much for taking care of annie" mrs. anderson said. you shook your head. "no need to thank me. annie's such a delight" you said. annie ran over and hugged you. "bye y/n!" she said. you returned the hug and bid her goodbye as well. mrs. anderson grabbed her wallet and pulled out your payment. "here you go. once again thank you so much" she said. you smiled and thanked her. "anytime. bye you two!" you said as you walked out of the house. you smiled and walked over to your car. you checked the time on your phone. it was currently 10:17. you turned your phone off and made your way back home.

the next morning you were woken up by your alarm. you groaned and turned it off. 'at least it's friday' you thought to yourself. you woke up and took a quick shower. afterwards, you quickly started getting ready for school. while you were doing your hair, you got a call. you answered the phone and spoke. "hello?" you said. "hello? is this y/n l/n?" the lady on the other end of the line asked. "yes it is. may i ask who's calling?" you asked. "i'm calling in regards of your babysitting ad. i know it's late notice, but do you think you can babysit my son for tonight?" you internally groaned. you loved babysitting but you hated babysitting on the weekend. "no no it's alright. i can babysit tonight" you said. "oh good! well i was planning from 8pm to about 2am. is that alright?" she asked. your eyes widened in shock. "uh, well i don't know. the latest i've ever babysat is around 10" you said. "i'll pay you 50 bucks an hour" she said. your eyes widened and you quickly agreed. "great. well i'll text you the address. thank you so much" she said. "no problem. i'll see you tonight" you said as you hung up.

you smiled and did a little happy dance. you quickly checked the time and your celebration ended once you noticed the time. "crap!" you said as you realized you were going to be late for school. you quickly grabbed your things and headed to your car.

"wait so you're babysitting tonight? I wanted to go to this party with you!" your friend complained. you nodded your head. "i'm getting paid 50 bucks an hour for 6 hours though, so i'm good" you said. your friend's eyes widened in surprise. "what? why so much?" she asked. you shrugged. "i have no idea but i'm not complaining" you said. "well what time are you gonna be done?" she asked. "about like 2am. why?" you asked. "well the party starts at 10 so as soon as that kid's mom gets home, you get your ass to the party" she said. you nodded your head. your friend suddenly smacked your arm as she freaked out. "ow. what?" you asked annoyed. you looked to where she was indicating and froze. "woah. who's that?" you asked in awe. "na jaemin. he's a senior" she said. "well he's hot. oh my god his smile is so cute!" you said as you saw him laugh. "stop staring you creep! you should talk to him instead" she said as she smacked your arm. "no thanks" you said quickly. she laughed and you groaned as you heard the bell to get back to class.

you said goodbye to your friend mina and grabbed your things. you made you way to class, adjusting your backpack on your shoulders. while you were walking, you bumped into someone. you stumbled back and looked up as you apologized. your face immediately turned red when you noticed who it was. "oh um i'm so sorry" you said. he smiled and shook his head. "it's ok. i may or may not have stood here so you'd run into me on purpose" he said with a smile. you could feel your face heat up and you smiled. "aw are you blushing?" he asked. "shut up" you mumbled. "na jaemin" he introduced. "y/n l/n" you said back. "hey you two! get to class!" you heard a teacher yell. "well nice meeting you. i'll see you later?" he asked. you nodded and waved as you walked off to class. you smiled at your little interaction and happily walked inside your classroom.

"babysitting" || wong yukheiWhere stories live. Discover now