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"alright i'm back and i have food" jaemin said as he entered the house. he walked into the kitchen and set the bags down on the table. the guys went into the kitchen and you took this opportunity to get ready for the party. you checked the time and it was 10:23. you grabbed your bag and went down the hall, looking for the bathroom. when you found it, you quickly entered and locked the door behind you. you got ready for the party and looked at yourself in the mirror. you smiled, admiring the outfit you had on. you fixed your hair the best you could and starting doing your makeup. you quickly finished and looked at yourself in the mirror. you smiled, satisfied, and opened the door. you peeked out and saw the boys in the living room. you sighed and closed the door as you grabbed your backpack. you opened the door once more and stepped out. you walked into the living room and the guys attention went straight to you. "woah. where'd you get those clothes from?" mark asked. you held up your backpack. "brought them from home. now if you'll excuse me, i need to go somewhere" you said as you made your way to the door. lucas got up and blocked the door. "where are you going?" he asked. "somewhere" you said. you got closer to him and whispered loud enough for only you two to hear, "remember i'm the babysitter here. not you. now don't go anywhere while i'm gone. i have the keys anyways" you said.

"and if i sneak out?" he asked. "trust me you won't. unless you want me to tell your friends why i'm really here" you threatened him. you suddenly spoke louder. "hey guys want me to tell you-" before you could finish your sentence, lucas covered your mouth with his hand. he smiled at the guys, who had confused expressions, and pulled you into the hallway. "alright you can go. but i want to go too" he said. you shook your head. "no way. i promised your mom i'd keep you in this house and that's what i plan on doing. besides, you have friends over" you said. "they can come too. where are you going anyway?" he asked. "i'm going to a party" you said. "oh yeah. i'm going" he said. "and if i don't let you?" you asked. "then i'll just tell my mom that you sucked ass at your job and then you won't get paid shit" he said. you sighed. "fine. but we have to get home before 2am. now let's go" you said as you walked past him, into the living room. lucas walked into the living room with a smile plastered on his face. "you guys wanna go to a party tonight?" he asked his friends. they all eagerly nodded their heads and you grabbed your keys as you opened the door. you stepped out and the guys followed. "woah. we are not taking your car. we're taking mine" lucas said. you shrugged and tossed him his keys.

"wait. there's 5 seats and 6 of us" renjun pointed out. "i could take my car" you said. lucas shook his head. "no problem. jaemin you can drive and y/n can sit on my lap" lucas said with a smile. your eyes widened in shock. "hell no. i'll just take my own car" you said as you started walking to your vehicle. "no you're not princess. besides, you can't drive without these" lucas said as he held up your keys. you groaned and lucas smiled. you all packed into the car and you were stuck sitting on lucas's lap with mark next to you. you tried to sit in the middle of lucas and mark as much as you could. "are you ok?" mark quietly asked you. "yeah I'm ok. thanks" you whispered back. mark knew you were lying but didn't want to argue with you. "where's that party exactly?" jaemin asked. you grabbed your phone and pulled up the text from your friend. "it's at 264 splinder street" you told him. "hey that's jeno's address!" haechan said. "you know jeno?" you asked, somewhat surprised. "yup. i've know him for like 2 years" he said. you nodded your head. "that's awesome. he's one of my really good friends" you informed the group.

"ah we're almost there" jaemin informed. you nodded your head, feeling excited. "i don't even remember the last time i got to go out on a friday night" you said. "oh? why?" renjun asked. "because i'm a babysitter" you said. "is that why you're hanging out with lucas tonight? because you're babysitting him?" haechan teased. you tensed up a bit but forced a laugh. "oh please. like she could handle me" lucas said. you looked at him and gave him a look to shut up. "we're here" jaemin announced. you smiled and quickly opened the door to get off of lucas's lap. you didn't wait for the others as you went up to the front door. you could hear the music from outside and you opened the door and let yourself in. you immediately felt the atmosphere change and you smiled as jeno greeted you. "hi pretty lady" he greeted. "hi jeno. sorry i'm late i was getting all dolled up for you" you jokingly told him. "aw you look good all the time" he said. you giggled and thanked him, giving him a small hug. "i'm gonna go find mina" you told jeno. he nodded and you went off into the crowd of dancing people to find your best friend who dragged you here in the first place.

you bumped into a bunch of people who were either wasted or just too caught up in the moment to notice you. you bumped into jaemin and he smiled. "come dance with me" he said. you thought about it and agreed to. you happily danced to the music, enjoying yourself. after a couple of songs, you got thirsty so you went to go get a drink. you grabbed a water bottle and took a drink before you saw mark run up to you laughing. "you-you have to see this" he said in between laughs. "um ok" you said. mark waved with his hand, indicating for you to follow. you followed him outside and there was a bunch of people gathered in a crowd. you saw two people on a table but you couldn't tell who the people were yet. you and mark finally got to the front and you gasped as you saw the scene in front of you. lucas and another guy you didn't know, were both shirtless on top of a table, doing a stripper dance while another guy, whom you assumed was lucas's sidekick's friend, was throwing money at them. you started laughing yourself, but you remembered that you were lucas's babysitter for the night. you quickly walked over to lucas and grabbed his wrist, pulling him off the table. "oh hi babe" he said with a huge grin. you could smell alcohol and you sighed. "lucas, shut up you're drunk" you said.

"i was having fun with yuta" he whined. "you were being a stripper" you said. "i could strip for you if you want" he said. you shook your head rapidly while repeatedly saying 'no'. you pulled lucas into the house and went back to jaemin. "look who i found" you said. "where was he?" jaemin asked. "getting money. winwin's a good tipper" lucas said as he pulled some crumpled dollars out of his pocket. you held back a laugh while jaemin just looked lost. "he was outside doing a strip tease with his friend yuta, while some guy named winwin made it rain on them" you explained. jaemin couldn't hold back his laughter and you finally let yourself laugh.

"lucas don't do any more dumb shit ok?" you told him. he nodded as he wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you closer to him. "anything for you" he said. you got his hands off your waist and shook your head. "no more drinking. or i'll punch some sobreity into you" you said and jaemin laughed. "ok ok" lucas said as he went off to go back outside.

you turned your attention back to jaemin and smiled. "how the fuck do you put up with him?" you asked. jaemin shrugged and you giggled. haechan came over to you two and you asked him what was up. "there's a pool table and i wanna go against you in a game" he said. you smiled and nodded. "oh, you are so on" you said as you went to follow haechan.

you stopped in your tracks and turned to jaemin. "you coming? you can be my partner" you said. jaemin nodded and began following you and haechan. you went further into the house, going inside what appeared to be a lounge room. you noticed a bunch of people talking and hanging out and 4 people finishing a game of pool.

you watched as they finished and haechan ran up to get pool cues for himself and you. "we doing partners or no?" you asked. haechan nodded. "my partner's renjun but i have no idea where the hell he's at" haechan said. you giggled and told haechan to go get him so you could start the game. as you waited for haechan to come back, you decided to get yourself a drink. you didn't want to drink to get drunk but you did want to have some fun.

you sipped your drink and leaned against the pool table, talking with jaemin. "i'm back and i have renjun with me" haechan said as he walked over with renjun. "alright then set it up" you told haechan. jaemin grabbed a pool cue himself and smiled at you. "you better be good at this" you jokingly threatened jaemin as you poked him in the chest. "oh i'm very good" he said back confidently.

"alright pretty boy then if you're so good, you should break it" you said as haechan finished setting up the pool balls. "i will then" he said as he stepped up. "oh hey are we playing for fun or are we betting anything?" you asked haechan. "for fun. unless you wanna make a bet with me" haechan said. "got any ideas?" you asked. "if we win i get a kiss from you" haechan said with a proud smile. you laughed and nodded. "ok and if we win, you have to do aegyo in a dress" you told him.

"i'll do aegyo right now, that doesn't scare me" he said. "yeah, say that when you're in a dress" you said, giggling. he nodded his head. "alright you're on" he said. you smiled and went over to jaemin to watch him make the first move. he hit the cue ball, and the formation broke. you watched as you waited for any ball to go in.

a solid colored cue ball went in a pocket and you smiled. "nice. well then, you guys are stripes" you said to haechan and renjun. "guess it's my turn. stand back and watch in awe" you said as you got ready to hit a ball in. you hit a cue ball and smiled at the 'clack' as another ball made it in. jaemin went up and you decided to taunt haechan. "we're so gonna win. this is easy"

jaemin sighed and you realized he didn't make one in. haechan laughed and decided to tease you now. "what were you saying?" you rolled your eyes and watched as he played. you were excited for this game.

"babysitting" || wong yukheiWhere stories live. Discover now