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"yes! I'm gonna see haechan do aegyo in a dress!" you excitedly called out as you jumped around, celebrating your victory. the others at the party turned to look at you like you were crazy. you shrugged them off and turned to jaemin. "hey you were a good partner" you said as you gave him a playful punch on the shoulder. "I can't believe you doubted me" he said, pretending to be hurt. you rolled your eyes and smiled.

"so haechan about that dress" you said. he groaned and tried to reason with you. "how about i just do aegyo right now?" he asked. you shook your head. "nope. i'll text you when. so here's my number" you said as you pulled your phone out. haechan rolled his eyes and pulled his phone out as well, typing your number in and saving it. "the only reason you guys won is because lucas wasn't my partner" haechan complained.

renjun gave out an offended "hey" and you giggled. "alright how about a rematch? you can have lucas as your partner. but good luck with that because he's drunk as fuck" you said. "ill sober him up enough to play. you're on y/n" haechan said as he ran off to go find lucas. you laughed and turned to renjun. "how do you put up with him?" you asked. "I don't. I kick his ass a lot" renjun said. you laughed and nodded your head. "I like you" you said through giggles.

renjun joined in laughing and told you he was gonna meet up with some other friends for a while. you nodded and he went off. "so I'm guessing we're gonna be partners for this next match too right?" jaemin asked. "of course. you're awesome" you said. he smiled and you turned to look at haechan who had come back with a less drunk lucas.

"alright let's go" haechan said. "care to make any more bets?" you asked haechan. "I wanna make a bet with you" lucas said. he wasn't slurring his words so you assumed haechan really did sober him up. 'he probably slapped him' you thought. you giggled at the thought and went back to what lucas was saying. "alright. what do you wanna bet?" you asked as you got closer to lucas. "if we win, we each get a kiss" lucas said pointing to himself and haechan. "ok. and if we win, I get to slap you both" you said.

"hey that's mean!" haechan said. you smiled and shrugged. "so is it a deal?" you asked. "deal" lucas said. you smiled and haechan set up the game. this time you broke it, and you and jaemin were stripes. jaemin went up and you silently cheered him on. he made one in and it was once again your turn. you walked around the table, looking for a good angle to take the shot. 'I'm not gonna be able to make this shot' you thought. you sighed and took a shot at the best angle you could find. as expected, the ball didn't go in.

you sat back down as you watched lucas go up to take his shot. you noticed how he was concentrated and you were surprised. you didn't expect him to be serious at all. he took his shot and made it in. you huffed and lucas smiled at you. haechan went up next and made another shot. "easy" he said as he stepped back for lucas to take his turn. you looked at where the cue ball was positioned and smiled. there was no way he was going to make it.

lucas took the shot and the cue ball bounced off a side and hit a solid into a pocket. you raised your eyebrows in surprise.

you were not going to win this game.

finally, lucas messed up a shot and you got up to take yours. you hit the cue ball on the edge, trying to angle the way the ball would hit. it barely missed the striped ball you were aiming for and you mentally slapped yourself. "fuck!" you yelled out. jaemin laughed and you pouted.

"this game is fun" lucas said. you rolled your eyes and sat back down, waiting for one of the two to mess up. "haechan do me a favor and mess up please" you called out as he prepared to take his shot. he made it in and you huffed. "fuck you" haechan and lucas laughed and you even heard jaemin giggling.

"hey who's side are you on?" you asked, defensively. "yours but you're cute when you're mad" he said. you felt your face heat up and you turned away from jaemin, trying to hide your smile. haechan messed up a shot and you nudged jaemin. "your turn" you said. he stood up and got up to take his shot. he made it in and you smiled, high fiving him. "my turn and let's hope I don't fuck it up" you said.

you took a shot and made it and you cheered. jaemin took a shot but missed and you looked at the table. you knew that this was the last round and lucas and haechan were going to win. there was only 3 pool balls left. lucas took a shot, then haechan, then lucas.

"see? I told you with lucas there was no way I was gonna lose!" haechan cheered. you crossed your arms and huffed. "aww looks like we each get a kiss now" lucas said. "ok fine. I am a woman of my word" you said. you stood up and went over to haechan. you planted a quick, small kiss on his lips and he stared at you. "I didn't think you were gonna do it!" he said. he smiled and cheered, teasing jaemin. jaemin rolled his eyes and you laughed at both of them.

you walked over to lucas and grabbed the collar of his shirt, pulling him closer to you. you slowly got closer to him, waiting to close the gap. you smiled and quickly kissed his nose. "hey! not fair!" he yelled out. you laughed and ran out of the room, as lucas chased you. you squealed and maneuvered your way through the crowd of people. you went into a hallway and tried to hide but lucas caught you. he grabbed you and began tickling you and you broke into laughter. "ok im sorry! im sorry!" you said in between laughter.

lucas stopped tickling you and you smiled. "you never said you wanted a kiss on the lips" you told him. "I hate that you're right" he said. you giggled and walked with him back to haechan and jaemin. "he tickled me" you huffed as you walked over to jaemin. jaemin laughed and you grabbed another drink. lucas went off again and you turned to jaemin and haechan who were talking.

"hey im gonna go see if I can find my friend again. ill be back" you said. jaemin nodded and you went out. you went into the living room and went through the crowd of people. you found jeno and mina talking and you cheered. "finally I found you" you told mina. she smiled and asked what you've been up to. "oh I won a pool game and lost another so there's that" you informed her. "you having fun?" jeno asked. you nodded and grabbed your phone, checking the time. it was going to be 1am soon. you made a mental note to check the time again soon.

you, mina, and jeno danced and talked for a bit. you were having fun and enjoying yourself when haechan came over. "oh there you are. wanna come play beer pong? lucas is godly at it" haechan said. you shook your head. "i'll go in a bit but i'm not playing" you said. haechan shrugged and turned to jeno. "oh yeah I forgot you two were friends" haechan said as he laughed. jeno nodded and haechan suddenly got excited. "oh did y/n tell you that she kissed me?" haechan said.

you smacked his arm as jeno looked at you with wide eyes. haechan laughed and you shook your head. "it's a long story" you said. you were about to explain when mina pulled your arm. "haechan you tell him" you said as you were dragged off. "what the fuck" mina said after she pulled you away from the duo. you laughed and nodded. "I know, I know" you said. you explained everything to her and she just stared at you. "that is amazing" she said.

you rolled your eyes and walked back with her over to jeno and haechan. "so you coming?" haechan asked. you nodded and followed him outside to the beer pong table. you noticed a bunch of drunk guys laughing and shouting, playing the game. you shook your head and walked closer, finding lucas drinking from a cup. "lucas you're gonna have such a hangover tomorrow" you told him. he smiled and nodded. you grabbed your phone and checked the time. it was a little bit past 2am. your eyes widened and you panicked. you grabbed lucas and dragged him away from the crowd. "why'd you do that? I was having fun" lucas whined.

"we gotta go. haechan c'mon" you said as you grabbed haechan's hand. you pulled the two throughout the house and into the front yard. you walked over to the parked car and unlocked it, ushering lucas and haechan in. "stay here im gonna go find the others. haechan please make sure he doesn't do anything stupid" you said. haechan nodded and you ran off back inside. you went around, trying to find the other 3. you found jaemin and renjun talking and you told them you all had to go. they nodded and went off to the car. you sighed and looked around for mark.

you found him outside, talking to yuta and winwin. you smiled and ran over to him. "hey mark let's go" you said. mark said goodbye to his friends and you grabbed his hand, running throughout the house with him. "why are we running?" mark asked. "we gotta go that's why" you said. you found jeno and said your goodbyes to him. you and mark exited the house and you went to the car. you didn't want to sit on lucas's lap while he was drunk so you instead sat in between jaemin and haechan. mark drove and you all made your way back to lucas's house

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