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you all got out and the guys decided to call it a night. you said your goodbyes and made sure to get their numbers before they left. you looked at lucas and sighed. you now had to rush his drunk ass to bed so his mom wouldn't kill you. you grabbed his hand, pulling him up from the car's seat. he stood up and lazily smiled at you, wrapping an arm around you. you shrugged his arm off of you and walked up to the front door, him following. "you know you have a big-"
"if you say anything about my ass, I will punch you in the throat" you said cutting him off. he shut up and you stepped inside the house. you quickly grabbed his wrist and pulled him inside, closing the door behind you. "alright now go get your drunk ass in bed. I'll go get you some water" you said, nudging him towards the stairs. he stumbled a bit and went to climb the stairs but tripped. he laughed and stood up, attemping to climb once again.

you rolled your eyes and went over to him, not wanting him to roll down the stairs. you wrapped your arm around his waist and he slung an arm around your shoulder. "thanks baby" he said. "lucas I swear to fuck I will push you down these stairs" you said in response to the name he called you. he giggled and shook his head. "no you won't, you love me" he said. you sighed heavily and rolled your eyes. there was no use arguing with a drunk person.

you went to his bedroom and ushered him inside. you led him to his bed and he plopped down on it. "go to sleep. you're gonna feel like crap in the morning" you told him. "can you sleep with me?" he asked. you shook your head. "your mom's gonna be home soon. then I'm outta here" you said. he pouted and held onto your hand. you had to admit that right now, he looked really cute.

"i'm gonna go get you water. ok?" you asked. he nodded his head and you left his room to go to the kitchen. you grabbed a glass and poured him some water. you quickly went back upstairs and went into lucas's room. he smiled when he saw you and you handed him the glass. he gratefully drank some water and he grabbed your hand once again. "can you please lay with me?" he asked. you sighed and shook your head. "i can't. i don't wanna risk getting scolded by your mother. and besides, you don't even like me" you said.

"please?" he asked, making a pouty face. "fine" you finally gave in. you walked to the other side of the bed and crawled into bed. you kept your distance but lucas grabbed your waist and pulled you closer to him. you whined and he put his finger gently over your lips, shushing you. "lucas let go. you're parent's are gonna be here any minute"

"so?" he asked. "so? i'm supposed to be your babysitter not your girlfriend!" you said. "wait you're my girlfriend? makes sense" he said. you raised an eyebrow and shook your head. "lucas c'mon" you pleaded again. "but im comfortable" he whined. you tried getting out of his hold but froze when he buried his face in the crook of your neck. your breath hitched and you felt your face heat up.

lucas placed a small kiss on your neck and you panicked. "stop that" you said. "stop what? I'm just cuddling" he said. you felt him smile against your skin and you tried to ignore the blush on your face. he placed another kiss on a different area of your neck and you let out a small gasp. "lucas you're drunk" you said as you turned around to face him. "so I can't have fun with my girlfriend?" he asked. "im not your girlfriend!" you exclaimed. he placed a kiss on your nose and you just stared at him. "payback" he said. you couldn't help but giggle.

you heard the door open from downstairs and you panicked. "lucas your parents are home! let go!" you whisper yelled to him. "but I like this" he whined. you wiggled out of his grasp and managed to escape just as his bedroom door opened. "hello miss l/n. did lucas give you a hard time?" lucas's mom asked as she stood in the bedroom doorway. you shook your head. "no he didn't. we just talked most of the night and watched movies. we were just talking right now actually" you said looking at lucas who was starting to fall asleep.

"I'm surprised you could handle him. and i apologize for coming home later than expected. there's a lot of traffic near splinder street. seems like a party's going on or something" she said. your eyes widened and you thanked heaven that lucas was already asleep. if not, he would have surely given you away. "oh it's alright. well, I should be going" you said. lucas's mother nodded her head and she stepped out of the room.

you started on your way out when lucas called for you. "I thought you were asleep" you said. he smiled and shook his head. "you can't stay? I wanna have some fun" he said. your eyes widened and you frantically shook your head. "nope! I really gotta go! bye!" you said quickly as you ran out of his room. you closed his door and went back downstairs. you collected your things and noticed a phone on the couch. you shrugged it off, believing it to be lucas's phone.

you went to the front door and waited for your payment. "oh honey before you go, is this your phone?" lucas's mom asked. you looked at the phone she was holding and panicked. 'one of the guys must've left their phone' you thought. "oh yes it is! thank you so much!" you said as you took the phone and put it in your back pocket. "and here's your payment. if things went that well tonight, I might hire you every date night!" she said as she laughed. you forced out a laugh and thanked her. you quickly left and wondered who could have left their phone. you went to your car and hopped in. you sighed, exhausted.

you started your car up and headed home, ready to jump into bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2020 ⏰

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