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you checked the time on your phone and decided to get ready. you went over to your closet and picked an outfit out for the party. you decided on an outfit and put it inside a spare backpack you had. you grabbed your makeup bag and threw it in there as well. 'top, bottoms, shoes, makeup bag...' you went through everything and smiled as you noticed you had everything. you closed the bag and put it on. you grabbed the rest of your things and made your way to your car.

you looked at the house and checked the address on your phone. 'yup. this is it' you got off and walked over to the door. you knocked and patiently waited for someone to answer the door. a woman, who you assumed was the mother, opened the door and greeted you with a smile. she was very nicely dressed and you assumed she was going out for date night, hence you being hired for babysitting. "ah you must be miss l/n. come in" she said as she moved to the side to let you in. "so who am i babysitting?" you asked as you looked around at the empty living room. "oh just a minute while i go get him. he's in his room" she said as she put on her earrings. you watched as she went upstairs and you looked around at the house. 'it's so nice' you thought. about a minute or two passed and you saw the woman return with a teenage boy. 'where's the boy i'm babysitting?' you thought. "y/n, this is lucas. the boy you'll be babysitting tonight" she introduced. "what?" you and lucas both yelled out. "woah I do not need a babysitter! i'm 18 years old!" he screamed out. "sorry sweetie but you do. now I gotta run. make sure he doesn't sneak out or invite people over. and lucas, you behave" she said. she called out to her husband and he ran out, fixing his hair. he sent you a 'hello' and smiled at his wife. they both said their goodbyes and left. you stood staring at the door until you finally turned around to face lucas. "this is insane. i'm babysitting someone older than me" you said. "hey you are not babysitting me! i don't have to listen to you, i'm older! how old are you anyways?" he asked. "16" you said.

"well i'm going out. see ya" he said as he walked to the door. you quickly ran in front of the door and blocked it. "no way. i'm getting paid to keep your ass in this house and that's what i plan on doing" you said as you stopped him from leaving. "look here princess. i do what i want. you can't stop me" he said. he grabbed you and picked you up. "hey! put me down!" you yelled as you tried to break free. "nope" he walked upstairs and put you in his room. he quickly closed the door and ran downstairs. you heard the front door open and then slam close. you sighed and looked around. his room looked just like every other teenage boys room. 'oh god he better not have porn magazines or something' you thought with disgust. you noticed some car keys on his dresser and you laughed. "idiot forgot the keys" you said aloud. you quickly grabbed them and put them in your pocket. you heard the front door open and you quickly left his room. you walked downstairs and saw lucas re-enter the house.

"i forgot my keys" he said somewhat embarrassed. "oh you mean these?" you asked as you dangled the keys on your pointer finger. "hey give those to me" he said as he reached for them. you stepped out of his reach and shook your head. "nope. you're staying here" you said. he sighed and threw himself on the couch. "fine. but i'm at least inviting my friends" he said. "your mom said no inviting people over" you said. he ignored you and continued texting. "relax. i'm just inviting like 4 friends" he said. you sighed and sat down on the couch next to him. you took your phone out and texted your friend.

To bitchass:



From bitchass:

lmao have fun

You sighed, annoyed with your friend and turned your phone off. "they'll be here in like 10 minutes. don't mention that you're my babysitter. I just said that you're an old friend of mine" he said. you rolled your eyes but nodded nonetheless. "alright but if you piss me off, i'm embarrassing you" you said. he nodded his head. he grabbed his phone and you assumed he was playing a game on it. you rolled your eyes and grabbed your keys from out of your pocket. you got up and made your way to the door. "where are you going?" he asked. "to my car" you said as you opened the door. you walked over to your car and grabbed your bag. 'maybe I can go to that party while him and his friends stay here' you thought as you walked back inside. "what's with the bag?" he asked. "oh nothing" you said with a smile. he gave you a confused look before he turned his attention back to his phone. you tossed it to the side and sat down next to him. "so, uh, when are your friends getting here?" you asked. "they should be here any minute. why?" he asked. you shrugged. "just wondering" you said. a knock on the door got yours and his attention. he quickly got up and went to answer the door. "sup guys!" he greeted his friends. you heard them all return the greeting and they came inside. they noticed you and their smiles dropped a bit. "this is the friend you were talking about?" one with brown hair asked as he pointed at you. lucas nodded. "yeah, uh, my friend" he said unsure. "i'm y/n" you introduced yourself. "nice to meet you" the same one that asked the question said. you smiled. "this is Renjun. that's haechan and that's mark" lucas introduced his friends to you. you heard another knock at the door and lucas quickly went to open the door. you heard lucas greet whoever was at the door and you gasped as you saw him enter.



you both said simultaneously. "you know her?" lucas asked jaemin. he smiled and nodded his head. "yeah. we met today" he said. you nodded and lucas just looked at you. "ok well I don't have to introduce you guys then" he said as he grabbed the tv remote. He turned the tv on and threw himself on his couch. the other guys did the same. you awkwardly sat down on an armchair next to the couch. "so how did you guys meet?" the guy whom you remembered was haechan, asked. you and lucas nervously looked at each other. "well, uh, we met at a-"

"concert! yeah we met at a concert" lucas finished for you. you nodded your head in agreement. "oh cool. who'd you go see?" mark asked. "exo" you said. lucas nodded. "oh that's awesome. i've always wanted to see them" mark said. you nodded and lucas started talking to his friends, leaving you sitting there awkwardly.

jaemin noticed and got up from his spot on the couch. he walked over to where you were sitting and sat down on the arm of the armchair. "hi" he greeted. "hi" you greeted back. He smiled and you smiled back. "you know, your smile is really cute" you said. shock was plastered over his features and you could see him turn a slight shade of red. "aw did I make you blush?" you teased him, just as he had teased you. "maybe" he mumbled. you giggled and it was his turn to make you blush. "you're really pretty" he complimented. "thanks" you said quietly. "so jaemin" lucas said loudly, startling you. jaemin looked up at lucas. "hmm?" he hummed in question. "do you mind going to get us some food? i'm starving" lucas said. "oh, uh, yeah sure. what do you guys want?" he asked. "just whatever is fine. call us when you get there so we can tell you what we want" lucas said with a smile. "ok. i'll be back then" jaemin said as he got up. you frowned and slouched in the chair as you watched jaemin leave. 'great. now I have no one to talk to' you thought. "so y/n do you go to the same school as us? i don't think i've ever seen you in the same classes as me" renjun asked. "yeah. i'm a junior" you explained. the guys nodded their heads. "that's why i've never noticed you. i mean, if we were in the same grade i probably would've noticed someone as pretty as you" haechan said. you laughed and thanked him while lucas gagged. "y/n? pretty? no" he said shaking his head.

"says you" you said. you heard the guys laugh and you smiled, proud of your little roast. "wow i've known you less than an hour and i'm already starting to like you" haechan said. you smiled and your attention drifted to your bag that lay next to the front door. 'maybe I can go once jaemin gets back' you thought.

"babysitting" || wong yukheiWhere stories live. Discover now