•III |Of memories and truth|

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"I can't believe it ..." Evie whispered in a whisper and, as soon as they left Mr. Green's shop, a liberating but heavy sigh came out of her rosy lips.She lowered her head and the events of a few moments before passed for the umpteenth time before her eyes: her old friend a few steps away from her,her eyes that had a dark and glassy veil in front them,her voice,her face,everything about her had changed but,at the same time and in a strange way,she had always remained the same.
When Evie entered the shop with determined and determined steps,she found herself in front of a ghost:she was not sure who that young woman she was in front of,but when her ice-colored eyes met her green ones,she heard little chills quickly run down her back.

She had also given a slight and fugitive look to her brother,trying not to be the only one to feel a strange feeling inside,noting that even his eyes were slightly confused...and that did not change in the slightest,when from the mouth of Green came out the name of the girl they had known for a lifetime and who had not seen for years.
And if her look was of pure amazement, disbelief and confusion,Jacob's was completely different:with the corners of his lips slightly raised in a grimace,his eyes full of contempt and resentment,he looked at Tessa with a look filled with indifference ,anger and above all coldness.

Emotions and feelings more plausible and understandable for such a situation,but Evie continued to ask why she had not distinguished,had not seen the amazement,the disbelief and sadness in the eyes of Jacob as unlike there were in hers.
She could not understand the reaction, so strange and certainly not predictable, that his brother had at the sight of their childhood friend...she expected a quite different reaction:a powerful,bitter and flat laugh or ironic and heavy jokes.She would have expected everything and more from him,but never ever that strange reaction:chilling behavior,looks and phrases cold and full of anger and resentment.

The female twin tried to think and formulate what had just happened, but it was impossible with Jacob who did nothing but walk up and down, quickly and nervously, in front of her who, still with her head down on the ground, repeated the name of the their friend as if it were a mantra.
"Can't you believe in what?" suddenly snapped Jacob,turning quickly to his sister,raising a look on her purely confused and thoughtful,looked into her eyes.
"That did we find ourselves in front of the same Tessa Knight we knew,or that she behaved as if nothing had happened?"his brother asked loudly in a bitter tone, spreading his arms in a gesture as theatrical as harassing, making accordingly turn many heads of people that walking beside him.

"Jacob..." the young woman began with a tone that was already on the reprimand, but she could not finish her sentence, however, that he abruptly interrupted her:
"No, don't tell me 'Jacob', sister. Not this time, because you know perfectly well that I'm right" the young Frye proclaimed with annoyed and authoritative tone, pointing to himself with one hand while removing the hat he had it on his head with the other and was waving it in front of his face;as if all this caused him great nervousness and an infinite anxiety at the same time.
And it was totally and absolutely useless to deny Evie's 'I can not believe it': he too, like his sister, could not believe that, after so many years,he found himself before his yes the same Tessa;her own childhood friend,the same girl with whom he trained late afternoon in the garden of his old house in Crawley...the same sun-faced and joyful girl who had now become a beautiful,attractive and pretty young woman.

"And I know that look too well,Evie," the brother warned her, advancing a few steps forward until he found himself in front of his sister who, with a thoughtful look, thought of what had happened a short time before.Jacob,meanwhile,half closed the eyes with two slits and began to scrutinize the face of the twin intensely and carefully,and then move away with a purely shocked and amazed look at the same time.
"No...don't tell me you want to..." and this time it was Evie's turn to interrupt her brother:

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