•VII |Of hesitation and explosions|

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"How could I have thought she would be useful to me?"
"Did you say something,Mr. Frye?" Jacob looked quickly to the other side as soon as he heard Tessa's voice behind him. And in fact,when he turned,he found himself in front of the young woman who,with a satisfied smile on her lips,looked at him in a pedantic way.The young man looked at her carefully from head to toe,before he could open his mouth:

"I said you're slow,you'll do nothing but slow me down" he lied,writhing his lips in a grimace of disgust,his voice slightly high and as always,authoritative.And certainly those words were as truthful and significant as the others who whispered a few moments before,believing that he was not heard by anyone.
"Are you referring to the fact that you had to wait for me for a few minutes?" the female Assassin suspected in a falsely confused tone,only to advance a step forward,finding herself a few steps away from him who,in a religious silence,listened to her.

"Precisely," he agreed,nodding slowly with his head,not backing away and not feeling at all intimidated by her deep and penetrating gaze.
"I remind you that you have the grappling hook,while I have only my hands," Tessa specified in a calm voice,raising her arms high and brazenly showing her wrists to her friend,who gave her a quick selfless glance.

"Worse for you.I offered to give you a ride up here,but you stubbornly refused," the young Frye retorted defensively,pointing with a dismissive gesture of the hand to the roof of the building on which,at that moment,the two Assassins They found and were discussing.It had been a couple of minutes since,by now,the two had arrived in front of the distillery that had been pointed out by the Templar just before meeting the cold and not a little cozy blade of the male twin.

"There will be a reason why I did not accept your proposal," Tessa replied with a slightly angry voice,looking at her old friend with eyes that were not afraid to challenge his own,with a light that fiercely burned in them like the sunlight .
"I would be infinitely grateful,if you enlighten me with your intelligence," the male Assassin uttered in a low,mellifluous voice,feigning a gentle smile on his lips,as he spread his arms in a theatrical gesture,but which was soon replaced by a unreadable grimace as soon as he heard what she told him:

"Why should I trust you,if you don't have it in me?" her words,so true as well as full of meaning,pronounced with a strong and almost proud voice,struck him dramatically,making him even shocked for a few moments.But certainly,he did everything not to point out to her that in the meantime,looked at him intensely as she digs deep into his hazel eyes. A tremendously chilling silence and to say the least religious took possession of Jacob who,perhaps for the first time in all his life,ran out of words.And only a fool could deny her words,those that were words tremendously true and that had deeply touched his heart...almost making him move,dissolve something inside.

And,perhaps too full of himself,perhaps for the fact that he didn't want to make himself unprepared to those phrases,or perhaps because he had a great pride and ego to keep whole,he returned with his feet on the ground:clearing his voice a couple of times in a slightly nervous way,he tried not to seem to have been caught unawares.Who would have thought it?
So,turning a last,intense and also a slightly sad look at his old friend,he turned again on the other side,not before uttering in a careless tone a phrase that resounded several times in the young woman's head:

"It will mean that I'll have to get one for you," murmured the Assassin,raising and lowering his shoulders quickly in a bored gesture,then kneeling on the edge of the building and starting to examine the area in front of him with attentive and cunning eyes:a group of numerous Blighters guarded the large iron doors of the building,thus preventing an easy and simple entrance into the distillery;while other men circulated both inside and outside the large building area,sometimes giving themselves a change,sometimes looking around and sometimes making sure they have an available weapon.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2018 ⏰

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