•VI |Of rejection and acceptance|

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"'Jacob,apparently Tessa is right.Listen to her' " damn the truth that was in Evie's words.
" 'What Tessa knows is enough, Jacob.Be satisfied' " and above all,damn the desire that he had in starting,finally,his first and true mission in London.

Miming the voice of the sister in a mocking voice,making some bitter ans nonchalant grimace with the mouth,Jacob increased the gait of his steps as soon as he glimpsed the area of ​​the Thames port,lightly curled his nose in a disgusted expression,when the stench of the polluted and dirty waters of the river reached his nostrils.

He looked around confusedly and inquisitively,trying to figure out where he could find that merchant who,as Tessa had informed him,distributed the Soothing Syrup on the borders of Lambeth near the banks of the Thames:unlike him,the people who walked beside him,seemed not to be touched by that strong smell that emanated the waters of the river a few meters away from them;women walking arm in arm with their men talking discreetly,while the noise of the stirrups of horses sounded sharp and strong on the road in stone;children who,running from one side to the other as if they were running away from someone or something,filled the air with their joyful and carefree shouts and laugh.

Sighing heavily and wearily running a hand over his face,he cursed for the umpteenth time that day the words of Green and his sister:for how many times he had done it,in a few minutes? Certainly not enough to be able to remove that imaginary weight that weighed heavily on his shoulders when,facing reality,he had to accept the fact that he should work with his old friend if he wanted to have any hope of success in his mission.
Not that he can't stand the idea of working in company,but the idea of to ​​having Tessa by his side on a mission does not convince him.On the contrary: did not convince him at all.

Evie's words echoed,again for once in that day,in his mind,repeating to say the least infinitely and almost causing him an annoying headache:after all,nothing new to him that,since he was a child,was used to being scolded by his father and sister.
'Tessa is right.Listen to her'.
To the young Frye,when his sister spoke those words,it seemed that she was supporting their childhood friend...who was siding with her.

But what the male twin could not understand was how his sister could behave in a completely neutral way towards their old friend,even 'siding' on hee side:it was as if she had not abandoned them,as if she he had not left them alone for all those long and almost interminable years.

And Jacob began to ask himself seriously if it was his behavior in regard to Tessa to be wrong,or if it was that of Evie.It was too severe,cold,stubborn,arrogant and still mitigated by hatred and sadness,or was the sister too commiserable, compassionate,calm,sweet and nostalgic?
Perhaps he still had too much rancor, anger,sadness,rejection and disappointment inside him for that young woman?The young Frye was more than sure about this,and most likely his sister was not of hia opinion,and she could scold him billions of times in vain for his cold and hateful behavior,but she could never manage to understand what he felt inside himself,inside his heart,inside his soul.

Evie did not know anything,she did not know the tremendous sadness,the endless anger and the deep disappointment he felt whenever he saw Tessa;every time her green-eyes penetrators dug deep inside him;every time he felt her voice echoed in his mind whenever distant,remote but clear memories reappeared before him.
She did not know about the promise,of that promise that her old and dear friend had done years before.

So,while tremendously confused thoughts whirled through his mind,Jacob found himself beside an equally thoughtful Tessa:sitting on a wooden chest,she looked at the nothing while the young Frye subjected her to his intense vision.Feeling suddenly observed,she shook her head slightly to awaken from that thoughtful state before raising her head and meeting her old friend's hazel eyes.
Trying with all of himself not to be petrified and amazed when the young woman gave him a light and almost invisible smile,the Assassin nodded to her in greeting.

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