•IV |Of fear and coldness|

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It was more than a week since the two Frye twins arrived in London;more than a week after their arrival,which only brought sadness,sorrow and regret to Tessa;more than a week since she suddenly found herself catapulted into her past, which she had always tried to keep hidden in her new life;more than a week since she had revealed all the truth of her true life to Henry,feeling her heart lighter than before but still with that imaginary weight that weighed heavily and annoyingly over her shoulders.

From the moment she revealed the truth and exposed the lies to Jayadeep,she felt more calm and serene,but she could certainly not deny that as soon as she heard her friend talk about the actions that the twins had done around Withechapel,she felt strange,confused and above all contrasting emotions within herself.

Sadness,as she had suddenly found herself before the raw and brutal reality; anger,as she felt all the small but very precious missions that the Frye twins performed every day,she wanted to join them as in the old days;envy, as she burned with the desire to try again that beautiful,unique and exciting emotion of when she fought shoulder to shoulder with Jacob,to try again the adrenaline that ran quickly in her veins when she ran away with him;the nostalgia,as she wanted with all her heart to return to act so discreet,silent and clean as when Evie was at her side.
She lacked all of herself with unique and special emotions that only her two old friends were able to give her.

In that week, and maybe even more, Tessa did nothing but sit on the wooden stool behind the desk of Henry's shop, enclosing in her mind and thinking intensely and deeply to what happened,passively listening to information about the two Assassins .
Occasionally she stepped out of the shop,spurred on by Henry who encouraged her to take 'a healthy and good breath of air' and 'go see the changes at Withechapel'.
And then, forced by her friend to get out of the dim light of the shop and expose herself to the light of the morning, however,she came out reluctantly outside, with the tremendous fear of being able to find herself in front of one of the twins.

So,on a cloudy afternoon,she stepped out of Jayadeep's shop for the first time in weeks.
As soon as she came out,she wore her white hood over her head cautiously, trying to prevent encounters and clashes along her path.
She looked around slowly, and then began to walk along the sidewalk with slow and plush steps, and could not hide the obvious astonishment when she realized that the streets of Withechapel were more crowded than usual: women who walked quietly and spoke quietly between of them;children who joyfully played in the streets...everything was wrapped up in a large and welcoming cloak,which embraced the streets with a delicate grasp,submerging everything in a tremendous,unusual and inhuman tranquility.

And that did not worry a little Tessa that, increasing its trend, began to walk with fast steps and slightly noisy in the streets, suddenly finding herself running and sneaking into the darkest streets of Withechapel,as if she were going to looking for someone,as if she were running away from a deadly enemy.
So,not knowing exactly where her feet were carrying her,the young Assassin found herself in a place known to her: in one of the Blighters' stronghold...or rather, what was supposed to be an enemy stronghold. No band emblem,no sniper posted on the roofs:no sign of the Blighters.

There was no one, excluding some men and some women who, wearing green and yellow clothes, were talking and joking with each other, each time giving timid and suspicious looks to Tessa who, with an expression of confusion and curiosity on her face, looked around.
What happened to all the Blighters?
But everything was clearer to her and she grimaced nonchalantly with her mouth, when she remembered that Henry, a few days earlier, informed her that the twins were gradually removing Withechapel from the numerous Blighters who occupied the neighborhood.

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