9. A Whole New World

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Your pov

You had chemistry the next hour, but you where one of the latest and the assignment was, to make groups of 2.
Great, everyone is here except...
You turned around and saw your ex, blinking with his (e/c) eyes.
5 min later
You sat on the table and started to mix a few chemical thingies to make a reaction (I have no fucking clue what to do in chemistry becouse I suck at that Subjekt), while (e/n) was looking at you. You just ignored him. "so, what I want to talk about..." he started. "don't care" you mumbled and worked farther. "I just want to say... I regret it". You didn't look up.
So he regrets it? After all that time he realized now what he did?
Tears filled your eyes but you blinked then away.
Thank the gods I had goggles on.
"not listening" you said.
He waited and looked at you and worked farther. With one hand.
Why is he working with...?
You felt his hand on your tight and twitched. You can't react like an idiot right now. The teacher was going around and you where in the last row. "get your hand away you pervert" you hissed silently and smacked his hand away. "is there something wrong miss (l/n)?" you saw your teacher looking at you with one raised eyebrow. "N-no miss/mister". "good" He walked away and you gave (e/n) a glare, but he gave you the same smile he always gave you when he touched you there or on your waist.

6 hours later becouse I am lazy

You walked back home with anger. (e/n) didn't stop talking to you. He even asked you phone number again becouse you blocked him. When you reached your house, you slammed the door shut and walked upstairs. You weren't hungry at all. You closed your door and layed down in your bed, crying.

Vaati's pov

I was sitting in my 'labaratory' studying to make an portal to a different world. When I came home after meeting Arashi, I slept a while and then started to work. I was really busy and didn't even eat something at all. I was reading a book when Shadow came in. "Vaati! I mean...". "Nino, it's fine you can call me like that" I said without looking up. He was silent for a while and said. "Where the hell have you been?!? You where gone! GONE! I searched the whole land for you, after I woke up! And where have I found you? On your bed. Sleeping, you could at least tell me, AND STOP IGNORING ME!" I really ignored him. I still read a spell to get to a different dimension." do you even care what I am saying!?!" He yelled." No, I don't" I said, still looking in my book. He growled at me and I said "if you don't have to say something, I need to make a spell to go in a other dimension"."well, that is just great, you almost gave your loyal friend a heart attack and then you... WAIT WHAT!?!" He screamed. I still read on. There aas a long pause and I could see from the angle in my eyes, his eyes where widen and he totally was shocked. "you have to be kidding me! A other dimension!?! You have to be crazy! Why would you...". I turned to him and looked at him with a 'you know why' look. "Ah" he said. "yes, 'ah' is the best definition for this Reaktion". I closed my book and stood up, walking to a 'portal stone' (like the one in Twilight Princess)

 I closed my book and stood up, walking to a 'portal stone' (like the one in Twilight Princess)

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"step aside" I said. I stretched my hand, making a symbol appear. While mumbling some words, I closed my eyes and the symbol grew, the ground rumbled a bit and wind came, playing crazy around me. My eyes shot open when I felt enough energy. I released the ball of energy and it shot like an arrow to the stone, making the castle rumble. I felt to the ground, panting, and looked up, at the round Portal. "Vaati... This is crazy... You are crazy..." I grinned and stood up, walking towards the portal. "Wait! You can't go!" he ran in front of me, before I could go in. He stretched his arms and blocked my way. Then an idea popped up. I grinned and said "your right, I can't go yet..." he sighed and let his arms drop. "I have to test it first, before I go!". "wait WHA..." before he finished his sentence, I pushed him in. He screamed and fell. I laughed and jumped into it to, falling and falling into the darkness.

It didn't took long before I reached Shadow who was flapping with his arms and cursing to kill me." well, I am right here you know". He looked up and saw me grinning at him. He hissed curses and names at me, while I was waiting exited to look where we would pop out. Then out of nowhere, a light blue sky came. "We have arrived!" I said proudly. "No we DOOOONNNNN'TTTTT!!!!!" Shadow yelled and I noticed we where still in midair, falling towards the ground. I reacted quickly and used a windbust to slow us down until we landed safely at the ground. Shadow dropped to the floor and panted. I looked at my surroundings. We where on a hill, farther away I saw several 'houses' I think. They looked like ours but..bigger and stronger I guess, and some of them where connected with a black rope. I turned around and saw a even bigger place with more 'houses'. It was bigger and the 'houses' where more nearby, a village I guess. "well this is...". "Wierd? Well guess what it totally is!!! How are we going to get back!?!" Shadow asked. "before I will make an other portal, I first want to take a closer look at that village over there" I pointed there. I just wanted to jump up in the sky to fly, but then I heard a noise. "Hey! Who are you, may I ask?" a man showed up. He was dressed so wierd. Colored shirt with a text I guess on it and blue pants. He looked angry at us but then looked at us and studied us head to toe. "Who are you? It isn't Halloween you know! That was months ago!".
I looked at Shadow who also gave me a look. "um sorry sir, but what is a 'halloween'?" Shadow asked. He blinked at us, as if we where drunk monkeys, walking around in clothes. "you can't be serious! Everyone knows what is Halloween!". "well, I don't." I shrug "but anyway sir, could you please tell us where we are? We are new here so, could you please be so kind and tell me?"
Before I get a freak out and try to kill you.
The man looked at me with disgust and said "why are you dressed like a wizard?". "Hey, good guess!" Shadow said. He raised an eyebrow and said "there are no wizards, witches or hocus-pocus, so dress up normally! How old are you, 16? 17? Dress up normally, you teens always wear those old jeans with holes, so where that shit!". "Wait, hold on a minute, are you stubid or something? You really think I dress up like this for fun? Well guess what...". "We will change already!" Shadow said and dragged me away, before I could play with him with my magic.
10 min. Later
"Goddammit Shadow, why did you stop me?" I snarled when we walked throw the forest, towards the village. "becouse you would probably kill him, these people don't know any magic! Haven't you seen his ears? He isn't an hylian! We have to get like them if you want your precious butterfly!"

1346 words :3

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