12. Getting To Know Her

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Vaati's pov

We walked outside the door and I saw the girl I was interested in walking outside the school building. I made a few steps to follow her until... "THERE THEY ARE!" we jumped up and before we could react, a group of girls sorrounded us. They started to chat around, so loud, I can't follow any of them!
"Hey Victor! My name is Chelly! Nice to meet you!"
"You name is Victor right? Did somebody said that you are handsome?"
"Shad Dight right? Where do you come from?"
"Please date me!!!!"
I turned around and saw (y/n) looking at me. I gave her a 'HELP' look, but her eyes looked sad and she looked down and walked outside. I felt a sting in my chest and said "I have to go". I pushed the girls out of my way and ran towards the door. I heard a few squeaks behind me like "He touched me!" and "He looks sooooooo charming!" and then the most of them said "SHAD~" when I opened the door to look for her. I walked down the stair and found her by a small lake. She wanted to walk until I shouted her name and she turned around. I ran to her and she said "Wow, not even a day here and the girls love you two...". "Yeah... Sort of..." I rubbed my neck with my hand and I made a nervous laugh. It was silent between us until I broke it "(y/n) .. I...". "Hey Victor!" a female voice said. I rolled my eyes and made a silent curse. I turned around.

Your pov

I looked at Nancy, and her best friends Ashley and Stella. I call them 'The bitches from my class'. Nancy was as a bit smaller than Victor but bigger than me, long blond hair, green eyes, perfect tanned skin, very slim. Stella was from Africa and had a darker skin with black wavy hair and brown eyes. Ashley had red hair, little freckles around her nose and blue eyes. But all of them had the same thing: so much make up I had to throw up. Nancy played a bit with her hair and started flirting with Victor. "so... You are the new one..." "I guess" he responded. "you should stop wasting your time with such... Unpopular girls like the little (y/n)" she said and gave me a hated look. I just ignored her and said "I think I should leave...". "Wait no!" He grabbed my hand and I looked back at him, and he then released me. "Look Victor" Nancy said and stood up between the both of us. "You really should stop being with her". You don't know why but you got angry and said, "And YOU should stop bothering him with you fake words" she turned around and gave me a furious look "You..." she then pushed me into the cold lake. I yelled and sat up. It wasn't a very deep lake, but all my clothes where wet, even my bag. Stella and Ashley laughed at me, while Victor was was to confused I think. "Really Victor, look at her! She isn't even pretty!" he looked at me, and then he said "You are right... She isn't pretty" my heart made a painful twist and I tried not to break in tears. But then he smiled at me and said "She is beautiful". I looked up and he walked into the lake and gave me his hand. I looked from his hand to his smiling face, back to the hand until I gladfully took it. "You OK?" he asked when I was standing. "y-yeah..." he took his black jacket off and put it around me "You will catch a cold" he said. I blushed and he put his arm around my shoulder, pushing me gently toward the way. Nancy looked at me with a jealous face and when we walked past her, Victor turned towards her and said "Oh, and by the way" she looked at him and he pushed her into the lake with his free hand, the other still around me, making her scream. My mouth fell open and Nancy started to curse. "Just ignore her" he said and we both walked away.

Vaati's pov

"So, where do you live?" I asked. We where both in front of the school. "Um, why do you...?" she stopped and started to sneez. "I just want to make sure that you come home saftly". "Y-yeah, OK. Follow me" she started to shake and I pressed her harder on me. I don't know when I became so overprotective, but when I saw hoe they treated her, it just made me feel angry and I almost transformed Nancy into stone. Also when I wrapped my arm around her, it felt like sparks flying away from me. It felt so tinglish, but at the same time it made me more attrakted to her. We followed the same street, I followed her for the first time, until she said "Wait! I-I can't go home jet... Mom will freak out if she saw me like this". She was kind of right. She was still wet and she was sneezing. "you really have to go home, you already have a cold." I said. She shook her head. "c-could we, g-go to that hill? It is sunny and it will make my clothes dry faster". I looked at the hill, and I noticed that it was the same one I had a nap while I was waiting for Shadow to come with the clothes. "Alright" I said and we both walked to the hill. When we arrived, she sat down and and I wrapped my arm around her shoulder again. She flinched at my touch again and she started to blush. It just... Made me happy when I touch her. Her soft skin, her breath... It just makes my hearth beat faster. I rubber her shoulder and I made a small spell to warm her up a bit, not to much that she will notice, but enough that she won't freeze to death. "So (y/n), could you... Maybe tell a bit more about yourself? We hadn't any time during class, you know" I said. She shivered a bit and grappled my jacket a bit more. "Well... I am currently sixteen years old... Two smaller twin sisters, Via and Greena. And... You already kind of noticed that I am not the most popular girl in school". "But why that? You are... Ähm... I just don't get it". By the goddess, I almost said, what I think of her! She luckily didn't noticed "I don't know either, I guess I am... Just... To wierd to be friends with. You see, I am not a big fan from reality, I am mor eof the fantasy world. I really like Amiens, Mangas ant the game 'The Legend of Zelda'". "ZELDA?!" I yelled. She gave me a confused look. "Do you play it to?" she asked with hope in her eyes.
Play it? What does she mean?
"oh... Ähm... No, I just heard the name of it once and... Uhm... I don't really know any of it. Could you tell me please?" she explained to me that the game is a 'videogame' where you play the hero link and have to save zelda and the land Hyrule. There where a lot of bosses in the game to." You know, my Favorit game is 'The Minish Cap' it is wierd but I never played it becouse I don't have the console to play it.
'The Minish Cap'?
"What is it all about?" I asked, and my free hand turned into a frist. "Well, it is about the hero, who gets help from the transformed minish called Ezlo who have to stop the villain called Vaati and... He, is everything alright? You look angry".
My body was shaking a little. "a bit cold, Damm wind". "but there is no..." at that moment I made a cold breeze. She started to shake a little. "are your clothes dried? When yes I can take you home.". "N-no thank you Victor, I am fine, I can go by my self..." she stood up but I grappled her wrist. "Please... Just let me make sure you get home safely.". She blushed and looked to the ground. "uhm. OK. Yeah. Y-you can come".

Your pov

After a while we where standing in front of my house. "Mom is defiantly home, and I don't think she would be very happy to see you". "why that?"
You mother was very protective, and becouse you are the oldest daughter, she kind of freaks out everything she saw you talking to a boy. She gets along with your ex, but only becouse he was very kind to her. "Uhm... Mom doesn't like visitors" it wasn't really a lie. "Alright. I have to go home anyway." he took you hand and smiled. "It was a pleasure to meet you (y/n)" he kissed the back of your hand and then he left. You where just frozen by that move.
Holy crap stick he acted like a knight in shiny armor
You blushed by that and went inside of your house.

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