15. An Unexpected Twist

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Your pov (again)

You walked upstairs, happy. Yes, you think fell in love. Butterflies. Every time you saw him. And when your sisters asked you, you just turned red. And now you kissed him. On the cheek, but ist still a kiss. You walked in your room when you heard "Really? You kissed him?". You jumped up in shock, turned around and saw (ex) closing the door. "how did you...". "remember when I climbed threw the window to visit you when you where grounded?" he said. You gave him a glare when he walked towards you. "Why do you still follow me? I. Don't. want. you. anymore.". "Oh really?". He took you by your wrist and waist and then reached forward. You hissed and struggled. "Why can't you just leave me...". But you broke of of his kiss.

(SPOILER: don't worry its the last thing he will do 😈)

You struggled more, trying to stop him, but his hand on your waist traveled further down to your pants. You fight more, but he didn't let go of you. He tried to take of your pants when suddenly something pushed you away from him. You squeaked and fell down. The room got darker suddenly, you got scared and when you looked up, you saw Victor. A very, very angry Victor. His hand was on (ex) neck, and he was struggling for air. Victor, who was a bit smaller, was holding him in the air. "How. Dare. you" Victor hissed. His eyes where red, glowing in the dark room. Your heart raced, scared, you didn't know what was happening. Victor mumbled something, and then he dropped him. He cought for air. "Get out" Victor hissed. (ex) looked at him. Your saver just stamped his foot once and he bolted out of the room. The room got lighter again and everything seemed normal. You where still on the ground, shaking. Victor looked at you. His red eyes turning normal again. He ran towards you "Are you OK?". You stumbled back. "W-w-what was that?" you whispered. He looked at you. With shaking legs, you stood up and said again "What was that?". He looked you in the eyes. You looked at each other and then he broke the contact. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I lyied". He turned to the window. The trees where shaking in the wind. "Victor...?". "that's not my real name. I kept it a secret.". "but why? Why did you... ?". "to protect you..." he whispered. "but now..." he looked at me again "I think you already know". The windows opened and wind came in, surrounding the boy. His clothes changed, from his feet to his head. A long purple Tunika, with a darker shade of purple cape appeared. His shoes a crimson red color. His black hair turned lighter, his skin diffrent, his cap got longer, the same purple shade of his cape. A big red crystal, surrounded by gold was to be seen on his cap and under his visible eye there was a small marking to see. He opened his eyes again, the color of a ruby. You had no words. "I-im sorry, I didn't want to..." Vict... I mean Vaati stopped, but he walked towards you, trying to reach you, but you stepped back, confused, overwhelmed. Yes, Victor looked a bit like Vaati, but you never exacted that it WOULD be him. "And Shad? Is he in this to?". You asked. Vaati nodded. "he helped me". It was silent between the both of you, until you said "please... Leave. I-I need to think about this. Alone". Vaati tried to touch you again, but you twitched. He then sighed and walked to the window. You saw in the angle of you eyes that he looked at you, but you didn't look back. He jumped out of the window, and when the windows closed, you fell on your bed, crying.


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